Cycling Computers
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1Polar S150 Heart Rate Monitor
Provides all key heart rate data, speed and distance. The Exercise Set feature allows favourite workouts to be programmed.
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2Polar S520 Heart Rate Monitor
Designed for the ultimate crosstrainer or triathlete. Added cycling features allow tracking of performance in all disciplines.
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3Polar S720i Heart Rate Monitor
Combines the highest level of personal performance data, training conditions like altitude and temperature, cycling functions and IR technology and downloads directly to PC.
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4Polar S725x Heart Rate Monitor
Sleek carbon fibre look and many new features. Set target zones as % of maximum heart rate. Download performance data to Nokia 5140 cell phone for instant feedback.
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5Polar CS100 Heart Rate Monitor
Combines all the features of a high end cycle computer with a fully functional heart rate monitor. Includes AutoStart, Autostop & Autolap
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6Polar CS200 Heart Rate Monitor
Wireless computer that gives all cycling speed and distance information, heart rate data and the ability to link to a PC.
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cardiovascular monitoring