Diamondback Lode Valiant Treadmill manual Cortex MetaLyzer II Laboratory Mixing Chamber System

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1Cortex MetaLyzer II Laboratory Mixing Chamber System

Stationary metabolic stress test system for routine exercise testing applications using a dynamic mixing chamber system.

All systems are supplied with the latest version of Metasoft which comes packed with features to enhance the analysis and measurement functions.

Available with either standard or high flow volume transducer.




0.1 to 12 l/s


0.05 to 20 l/s

Order codes

COR-210-01-996MetaLyzer II Metabolic system with DVT

COR-210-01-995MetaLyzer II Metabolic system with Triple V

Cortex MetaLyzer 3B Laboratory

Breath-by-Breath System

Powerful, fully equipped CPX system featuring true breath-by- breath and intra-breath technology.

With automatic verification tests prior to each measurement, the MetaLyzer is guaranteed to be working accurately at all times. All MetaLyzers feature automatic control of most electronic ergometers and treadmills as standard.


235 x 165 x 85mm



Order codes

COR-220-01-009MetaLyzer 3B Metabolic system with DVT

COR-220-01-008MetaLyzer 3B Metabolic system with Triple V

MetaLyzer Options

A variety of options are available for the MetaLyzer including Spirometry, Pulse Oximetry, Motion tolerant NiBP, Nutritional Assessment and Non-Invasive Cardiac Output.

The MetaLyzer can also be supplied with the latest SmartCart trolley, fully set-up PC workstation package with dual screen monitors, Automatic Gas Calibrator and a complete 12 lead ECG system.

Order codes

COR-720-09-016Spirometry software module

COR-720-09-018Nutritional assessment software module

COR-720-09-17Non invasive cardiac output software module

COR-010-01-996Automatic gas calibrator

COR-010-01-994Calibration kit basic

COR-010-01-993Calibration kit full

COR-720-09-017Cortex zone trainer

COR-670-01-0033 Channel monitoring ECG (ML3B)

COR-630-01-001Treadmill connection cable 5m (Woodway)

COR-610-01-003Ergometer connection cable 3m (Lode)



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Contents Product Get the measureWho and where we are Cranlea and Company+440121 472 Info@cranlea.co.uk Anlea & Company+440121 72 Contents Commendation ErgometersLode Angio with Electrically Adjustable Wall Mount Lode Angio Arm ErgometryLode Angio with Static Wall Mount Lode Angio with Automatic StandLode MRI Ergometer Lode Angio with Mechanical Cardiac Stress TableLode Angio Echo Cardiac Stress Table Lode Angio Nuclear Imaging TableLode Corival Adjustability ErgometersLode Excalibur Sport Workload controlLode Excalibur Sport Options Monark Monark Sparr Rehab 808/809 Monark Cardio Comfort 837E ErgometerMonark Compact Rehab 871E Monark Rehab Trainer 881EOther Ergometers Seca CT100 Electronic ErgometerCyclus K1 Ergo Kayaking ErgometerLeeds Metropolitan University Newman College Laboratory InstallationExeter University Thames Valley University Treadmills Lode Valiant Treadmill Lode Valiant Rehab TreadmillLode Valiant Plus Lode Valiant SpecialWoodway Wide Path Treadmill Woodway Mercury TreadmillWoodway Desmo Treadmill Order codeWoodway Desmo Pro Treadmill Woodway ProLiftWoodway Elite Treadmill Woodway Force Treadmill Woodway ELG TreadmillWoodway Blade 1365kgWoodway Help System Woodway PPS TreadmillWoodway Loko System Cardiovascular & resistance training Monark 736 Energy Bike Monark 827E Cardio CareMonark 915E Ergo Bike Resistance training Concept 2 DynoSapilo Work Bike Diamondback Elliptical TrainersDiamondback Diamondback Recumbent BikeDiamondback Stepper Diamondback Upright CycleResistance Training Cardiovascular & resistance trainingBenches & Units Single Station Free Standing Units Economy RangeFree standing units with nylon coated wire cable MultigymsCardiovascular monitoring Polar F1 Heart Rate Monitor Polar F3 Heart Rate MonitorPolar F4 Heart Rate Monitor Polar F5 Heart Rate MonitorPolar WM21/22 Weight Management Monitors Cardiovascular monitoringPolar FS2 Heart Rate Monitor Polar FS3 Heart Rate MonitorPolar S120 Heart Rate Monitor Polar S210 Heart Rate MonitorPolar S410 Heart Rate Monitor Polar S610i Heart Rate MonitorPolar S150 Heart Rate Monitor Polar S520 Heart Rate MonitorPolar S720i Heart Rate Monitor Polar S725x Heart Rate MonitorHeart Rate Monitor Spares and Accessories Polar AXN 300 Heart Rate MonitorPolar AXN 500 Heart Rate Monitor Polar AXN 700 Heart Rate MonitorCardiosport CardiovascularmonitoringHosand TM200 Telemetry Heart Rate Monitoring System Cardiovascular SecaMonitoring Seca CT110 CardioConcept PC Based Resting ECG Order code CT110Cardiolyzer Nonin Nonin 9500 Onyx Digital Finger Pulse OximeterNonin 8500 Series Hand Held Digital Oximeters Nonin 2500 PalmSat Digital Pulse OximeterAccessories AccosonAccoson greenlight 300 Sphygmomanometers Accoson Limpet Hand Held Aneroid SphygmomanometersAW Monoscope AW Duoscope Littmann Classic II S.E. StethoscopeLittmann Cardiology STC Stethoscope BoSo Medilife WristBody measurement & composition Seca Dial Floor Scale Seca Dial Column ScaleSeca Beam Column Scale Seca Digital Floor ScaleComposition Seca Measuring Tape Seca Wall Mounting Height MeasureSeca Electronic Wall Mounting Height Measure Seca Free Standing Height MeasureBody HarpendenMeasurement Maltron Bio-scan Analysers Tanita 310 Body Fat AnalyserTanita 350 Body Fat Analyser Tanita 410 Body Fat AnalyserBodystat BodPod Research Body Composition System Order code BodPod ResearchBodPod System Options Accessories Body measurement & compositionBodPod ST Body Composition System PeaPod Infant Body Composition SystemInBody 220 Body Composition Analyser InBody 320 Body Composition AnalyserInBody 520 Body Composition Analyser InBody 720 Body Composition AnalyserBio-mechanical measurement Multi-Session Normative Data CybexCybex Humac Norm Mega EMG Systems Bio-mechanical measurementWinAnalyze Motion Analysis Systems Plastic Goniometers Clinical GoniometerLeighton Flexometer Takei FlexmetersBiometrics Biometrics Clinical Goniometry SystemsBiometrics Laboratory Systems Biometrics Portable SystemsMechanicalmeasurement BioLode Pinch grip Dynamometer Lode Handgrip DynamometerJust Jump System Takei Digital Jump MeterRespiratory monitoring Micro Medical Respiratory monitoring Micro Medical MK8 SpirometerMini Peak Flow Meter M3410 TurboAire ChallengerHans Rudolph Connectors Mouthpieces vinylMouthpieces silicone rubber Mouthpieces disposableRespiratory Accessories Metabolic measurement Douglas Bag Analysis Systems Douglas Bag Extraction UnitDigital Dry Gas Meter Hitech Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide analyserMetabolic measurement Servomex 1440 Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide analyserServomex 5200 Multi Purpose analyser Woodway iMETTCortex Cortex MetaLyzer II Laboratory Mixing Chamber SystemCortex MetaLyzer 3B Laboratory Breath-by-Breath System MetaLyzer OptionsCortex Statera Cortex MetaMax 3X Ambulatory Mixing Chamber System Cortex MetaMax 3B Ambulatory Breath-by-Breath SystemLaboratory analysis Analox Analox LM5 Champion Sports Lactate AnalyserAnalox GL5 Sports Multi-assay analyser Analox GM7 Sports Multi-assay analyserLaboratory analysis Accutrend Cholesterol and Glucose analyserLactate Pro Blood Test Meter HemoCue AnalysersYSI YSI 1500L Portable Lactate AnalyserYSI 2300 Glucose & Lactate Analyser YSI 030 OsmometerHaematocrit Centrifuges Privacy ScreensCouches Portable Treatment CouchExamination Couch Hydraulic Variable Height CouchesTemperature & pressure monitoring Barometers Direct Reading Mercury BarometerFortin Mercury Barometers Precision Hair HygrometerTemperature MonitoringpressureGas Monitoring Thermometer Digital Clinical ThermometerHT150002 Core body temperature sensors Options CortempCorTemp 2000 Ambulatory Data Recorder Digital 5 Channel ThermometerTiming and activity measurement Fastime Activity TimingC5000 Laboratory Timer Fastime DB1 StopwatchFastime DB2 Stopwatch Fastime DB3 Triple Display StopwatchBrower SpeedTrap Multi-Choice Reaction Timer Digital Metronome DM11Digital Metronome DM70 T130 Chrome Mechanical Hand Held Tally CounterActivityand measurement Cranlea Wingate and Sprint Testing Package RT3 Tri-axial Activity MonitorMultiStage Fitness Test Abdominal Curl Conditioning TestTraining and calibration Calibration per unit Orientation In-depth indexNit CueAbo CesDepth index On Bio-scIcal DomePage Oods Ny untBee Got the measure