When you turn the user interface on, the display shows the following exercise parameters:
1.Efficiency (W)
::Figure indicates exercise efficiency in Watts, which depends on pedalling speed and resistance adjustment.
2.Energy consumption (kcal / kJ)
::Displays cumulative energy consumption
3.Speed (rpm / km/h / mph)
::Default setting is rpm (pedal revolutions / minute).
::Heart rate transmitter belt or an ear sensor is required.
::If the user interface does not receive a
NOTE! Always disconnect the ear sensor from the user interface if using a heart rate transmitter belt; the ear sensor will interfere with the heart rate transmitter.
::Displays the exercise time elapsed between 0:00 - 59:59 minutes and between 1:00 - 10:00 hours in 1 minute increments.
::Time display stops if speed falls to zero.
6.Distance (km / miles)
::Default display setting is km.
::Displays the distance travelled during the workout in km (or miles) to two decimal points up to 9.99 km (or miles) and with one decimal point up to 99.9.
6 ::
Resistance in constant resistance workouts is adjusted with the
Press RESET to reset the values on the display. Cumulative training values are displayed by pressing RESET for more than one second. They remain on the display for as long as the key is pressed.
5.3 MODE
MODE includes constant resistance, constant effort and constant heart- rate workouts. In all workouts, one parameter is set as a constant,
after which your exercise equipment automatically maintains the level. Constant
1.Press MODE key to select the workout.
::Resistance = constant resistance exercise at the same resistance level throughout. Faster pedalling means an increase in effort.
::Watt = constant effort exercise; the interface adjusts resistance automatically so the training effort set, e.g. 100 W, remains the same independent of pedalling rate.
::Pulse = constant
2.Set the target level with the
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