NOTE: Hand tighten bolts and Nylon Lock nuts until machine is fully assembled.
Step 2
Attach the Seat Pad (#9) to the Seat Pad Support Frame (#4) using:
•two M10*70 Button Head Cap Screw (#17)
•two Φ11*Φ23*2 Flat Washer (#18)
Step 3
Attach the Pin (#10) to Main Frame (#1) using:
•one Φ13*Φ26*2 Flat Washer (#13)
•one M12 Nylon Lock Nut (#14)
And Connect Spring (#24) between Main Frame (#1) and Pin (#10).
Step 4
Attach the Seat Pad Support Frame (#4) to Main Frame (#1) using:
•one M12*125 Button Head Cap Screw (#12)
•two Φ13*Φ26*2 Flat Washer (#13)
•one M12 Nylon Lock Nut (#14)
Seat can then be adjusted by pulling Pin (#10) toward rear of unit.