STEP 13 (See Cable Loop Diagram & Diagram 13)
A.) Attach one end of the 78” Bench Press Cable (#54) to a Single Floating Pulley Bracket (#35). Secure it with one M10 x 1” Allen Bolt (#114), two Ø ¾” Washers (#124), and one M10 Aircraft Nut (#128). Let the Bracket hanging for now.
B.) Pull the Cable upward to the opening between the Bench Press Base (#14). Attach a Pulley to the opening. Secure it with one 7” Axle (#130) and two M8 Hex Socket Screws (#82).
C.) Draw the Cable around the Pulley then pull downward to the third open bracket on the Main Base Frame (#1). Attach a Pulley and a
D.) Secure the Pulley with one M10 x 1 ¾” Allen Bolt (#113), two Ø ¾” Washers (#124), and one M10 Aircraft Nut (#128).
E.) Draw the Cable underneath the Pulley and through the opening underneath the second Pulley previously installed. Draw the Cable to the first open bracket on the Main Base Frame (#1). Repeat Step D above to install another Pulley.
F.) Draw the Cable around the Pulley then pull upward to the Single Floating Pulley Bracket (#35) previously installed in