| Preparation |
3 |
| |
Before starting your machine please beware of | Opening Front door | |
below mentioned points: | Pull the handle to open the front door. Your machine’s front | |
Did you plug the cable? | door is designed for opening during only machine is not | |
operating. If the led displays “ready” than door can open. | ||
Did you connect draining hose correctly? |
| |
Did you close front door? | Loading machine with laundry | |
Did you open tap water? | Fill the machine by unfolding and not squeezing laundry. | |
If you haven’t installed your machine please read to | Place | |
Make sure there is no laundry jammed between bellow and | ||
“Installation” section. | ||
Sorting the Laundry | Close the loading door by pushing. If loading door is not | |
perfectly closed machine will not start. | ||
Sort laundry according to type of fabric, color, level of | Selection of detergent and softener | |
dirtiness and allowed washing temperature. Do not wash | ||
white laundry together with colored ones. Remove hard | Quantity of the detergent used depends on hardness of | |
parts like belt, wrist button, curtain buttons, etc. or place | water and how soiled laundry is. Recommended values are | |
laundry in a cloth bag. Empty pockets. Zip off and button | indicated on the package. If your laundry is low soiled and/ | |
up. Very tiny laundry like baby clothes may get into inside | or hardness of water is low use less detergent as indicated | |
of drum, midst of bellow, pump filter, hose, etc. in order to | on the package. Otherwise it may result in excessive foam. | |
prevent this it is advised to place such laundry in a special | You should use detergent specially designed for automatic | |
laundry string bag or large laundry. See practical and useful | washing machines. Avoid using bleach product containing | |
information section for soiled laundry. Your machine can | sulfur or chlorine. Place powder detergent and softener | |
wash “Machine Wash” or | in appropriate drawer compartment and close detergent | |
special woolen program. Delicate laundry with “Do not | drawer. | |
wash” or “hand wash” label (silk, cashmere, pure wool, |
| |
etc.) can be washed in the special |