JVC KD-G305 Installing the unit, 8 Ω, Fuse blows, Sound is distorted, Noise interfere with sounds

Page 34

When using the optional stay /


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Fire wall

Stay (option)


When installing the unit without using the sleeve /


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In a Toyota for example, first remove the car radio and install the unit in its place.


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Screw (option)











Flat type screws (M5 x 8 mm)*

EM5 x 8 mmF*

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*Not included with this unit.

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Flat type screws (M5 x 8 mm)* EM5 x 8 mmF*

°√ŸÀ«‡√’¬∫— (M5 x 8 ¡‘≈≈‘‡¡µ√)*

*©rK x M5® …bŽUI

Install the unit at an angle of less than 30˚.


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: When installing the unit on the mounting bracket, make sure to use the 8 mm-long screws. If longer



screws are used, they could damage the unit.



=8 mm=


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To prevent short circuits, we recommend that


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you disconnect the battery’s negative terminal




and make all electrical connections before



installing the unit.

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Be sure to ground this unit to the car’s


chassis again after installation.



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Replace the fuse with one of the specified rating. If the fuse blows frequently, consult your JVC car audio dealer.

It is recommended to connect to the speakers with maximum power of more than 50 W (both

at the rear and at the front, with an impedance of 4 to 8 ). If the maximum power is less than 50 W, change “AMP GAIN” setting to prevent the speakers from being damaged (see page 21 of the INSTRUCTIONS).

To prevent short-circuit, cover the terminals of the UNUSED leads with insulating tape.

The heat sink becomes very hot after use. Be careful not to touch it when removing this unit.





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50 W

4 – 8


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50 W



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Heat sink


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PRECAUTIONS on power supply and speaker connections:

DO NOT connect the speaker leads of the power cord to the car battery; otherwise, the unit will be seriously damaged.

BEFORE connecting the speaker leads of the power cord to the speakers, check the speaker wiring in your car.


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R -



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The fuse blows.

*Are the red and black leads connected correctly?

Power cannot be turned on. * Is the yellow lead connected?

No sound from the speakers.

* Is the speaker output lead short-circuited?

Sound is distorted.

*Is the speaker output lead grounded?

*Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?

Noise interfere with sounds.

*Is the rear ground terminal connected to the car’s chassis using shorter and thicker cords?

Unit becomes hot.

*Is the speaker output lead grounded?

*Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?



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Image 34
Contents ‡§√ËÕ߇≈Ëπ CD KD-G305How to reset your unit How to use the Mode buttonContents Control panel Location of the ButtonsDisplay window Remote controller Place the battery Installing the batteryRemove the battery holder Return the battery holderAdjust the volume To drop the volume in a momentTo turn off the power Basic OperationsDemonstration Canceling the displayTo cancel the display demonstration, follow Select Demo OFFSetting the clock Listening to the radio Radio OperationsSearching for a station automatically Auto search When an FM stereo broadcast is hard to receive Searching for a station manually Manual searchStoring stations in memory FM station automatic preset SSMManual preset Select the FM band FM1 3 you want to store FM stations intoTuning in to a preset station Open the control panel CD OperationsPlaying a CD Insert a CD into the loading slotTo go to the next or previous tracks To stop play and eject the CDTo fast-forward or reverse the track To go to a particular track directlyTo play back tracks at random Disc Random Play How to use the +10 and -10 buttonsTo go to a track quickly +10 and -10 buttons While pressing CD CD-CH, press Hold for more than 2 seconds To cancel the prohibition and unlockProhibiting CD ejection To play back tracks repeatedly Track Repeat PlaySelect the sound mode you want Sound AdjustmentsSelecting preset sound modes C-EQ custom equalizer For Preset valuesSelect the item you want to adjust Adjusting the soundAdjust the setting Repeat steps 1 and 2 to adjust the other itemsPreferred Setting Mode PSM items Changing the general settings PSMBasic Procedure Other Main FunctionsTo select the amplifier gain control To select the level meter-LEVELTo select the dimmer mode-DIMMER To select the external component to useDetaching the control panel Attaching the control panelAbout MP3 discs CD Changer OperationsHierarchy To go to a particular disc directly Playing discsSelect the CD changer CD-CH CD CD-CH To skip to the next or previous folder only for MP3 discs To fast-forward or reverse the track/fileTo go to a track/file quickly +10 and -10 buttons To go to the next or previous tracks/filesMode Active Plays at random Indicator CanceledMode Active External Component Operations Select the external component LineGeneral TroubleshootingSymptoms Causes Remedies PlaybackCDChanger About mistrackingMaintenance Handling discsFM Tuner SpecificationsAM Tuner Source F ULOKF²«VO² Negative ground electrical systems. If your 12VCR2025 Fuse blows Installing the unit8 Ω Sound is distorted¬ÕÕ Line out ¥Ÿ·ºπ¿Ÿ¡ ¢«È- ¬Õ» KS-U57 *4 KD-G305JVC CD changer External component

KD-G305 specifications

The JVC KD-G305 is a remarkable car CD receiver that blends traditional functionality with modern technological advancements, making it a popular choice for music enthusiasts and casual listeners alike. With a sleek, functional design, this audio unit is built to enhance the in-car listening experience while ensuring ease of use and versatility.

One of the standout features of the KD-G305 is its compatibility with various audio formats. The device supports CD, CD-R, and CD-RW playback, allowing users to enjoy their favorite albums and custom mixes without restrictions. Additionally, it boasts an integrated AM/FM tuner with 24 presets, providing access to a wide range of radio stations.

The KD-G305 is designed with a user-friendly interface. Its large, easy-to-read LCD display shows track information, radio frequencies, and station names, making navigation simple even while on the move. The unit also features tactile buttons that provide a satisfying response, ensuring that drivers can control their music without getting distracted.

In terms of sound quality, the KD-G305 is equipped with a powerful built-in amplifier offering a peak power output of 50 watts per channel. This capability allows the receiver to deliver rich, clear audio across various volume levels. Additionally, it features a five-band graphic equalizer, enabling users to customize their sound preferences by adjusting frequencies to suit their tastes. This feature is particularly helpful for listeners who want to enhance the audio experience according to their vehicle's acoustics.

The KD-G305 also includes multiple inputs for versatility. It features an auxiliary input, allowing users to connect external devices such as smartphones or MP3 players directly to the receiver. This functionality caters to the increasing demand for using mobile devices for music playback, as many users prefer streaming their favorite playlists.

Furthermore, the device is designed to enhance the connectivity options for the modern user. While it does not feature Bluetooth, it can still accommodate USB devices when connected through appropriate adapters. This flexibility allows for a range of music sources while maintaining high sound quality.

The durability and build quality of the JVC KD-G305 are also noteworthy. With robust construction, it is built to withstand the rigors of daily use in a vehicle environment. The unit's design also minimizes glare on the display, ensuring that visibility remains clear under various lighting conditions.

In summary, the JVC KD-G305 is a well-rounded car audio receiver that combines essential features with enhanced sound quality and versatility. Its support for multiple audio formats, user-friendly interface, and customizable sound settings make it an attractive option for anyone looking to improve their in-car audio experience. Whether for casual listening or serious music appreciation, the KD-G305 delivers functionality and style.