Quick guide to Margherita
Herearethe12topicsexplainedinthismanual.Read, learn and have fun: you will discover many secret ways to get a better wash, more easily and making yourwashingmachinelastlonger.
1. Installation and removal (p. 10)
Installation, after delivery or transport, is the most important operation for the correct functioning of your Margherita washing machine.Alwayscheck:
1. That the electric system conforms to regulations;
2. That the inlet and draining pipes are connected correctly.
Never use pipes that have already been used;
3. Thatthewashingmachineislevelledproperly;somethingworth checking to aid the performance of your washing machine;
4. Thatthedrum'sfixingscrewshavebeenremovedfromtheback of the washing machine.
2. What goes in your washing machine and how to start your Margherita (p. 2)
8. Care and maintenance (p. 12)
Margherita is a true friend. With just a bit of care, it will repay you with loyalty and devotion.
A correct distribution of your laundry is vital to the successful | 9. Problems and solutions (p. 8 and 9) |
outcome of the wash and the life of the washing machine. Learn all | |
the tips and secrets to dividing your linen: colour, type of fabric. |
3. Guide to understanding labels (p. 5)
The symbols on the labels of your garments are easy to understand and equally important for the success of your wash. The guide includes simple instructions to help you choose the right tempera- ture, wash cycles and ironing methods.
Before calling a technician, read these pages: immediate solutions may be found for a number of problems. If the problem persists, call your local Ariston customer services who will be pleased to help. Any failure will be repaired, as soon as possible.
10. Technical characteristics (p. 9)
4. Useful tips to avoid mistakes (p. 6)
Yearsback,ourgrandmothersweretheoneswhogaveusgoodadvice - and in those days synthetic fibres did not exist: washing was easy. Today, Margherita offers you helpful advice allowing you to wash cashmere and wool even better than an expert laundress would by hand.
5. The detergent dispenser (p. 7)
How to use the detergent dispenser and the bleach compartment.
6. Understanding the control panel (p. 3 - 4)
Margherita’s control panel is very simple. It has only a few essential buttonstohelpyouchooseanytypeofwashcycle,rangingfromthe most energetic, capable of cleaning a mechanic’s overalls, to the most delicate for cashmere. Familiarising yourself with it will help yougetthebestoutofyourwashwhilehelpingyourwashingmachine last longer. It’s easy.
Herein are the technical features of your washing machine: model type number, electric and water specifications, size, capacity, speed of the spin cycle and compliance with Italian and European regulations.
11. Safety for you and your family (p. 13)
Hereyouwillfindthenecessary safetyguidelines,anditisimportant for you to read this section carefully.
12. Ariston stays with you after your purchase
Ariston supports its products after their purchase by offering you a range of special services, professional assistance, spare parts and qualityaccessories.
7. Guide to Margherita’s programmes (p. 4)
Herein is an easy table to help you choose the right programme, temperature, detergents and possible additives. Choose the right programme and you will get better results with your wash while saving time, water and energy, day after day.
1Margherita - Instructions for installation and use