Haier XPB62-0613D instruction manual ErZ H$m g§ñWmnZ, YwbmB H$s V¡`mar, YwbmB H$m Var‹H$m

Page 7
Agbr ^ma H$n‹S>mo§ Ho$ AmH$ma Am¡a àH$ma na {Z^©a H$aVm h¡ Ÿ&

_erZ H$m g§ñWmnZ





Vm{bH$m - 1



















3.0 {H$bmo

3.0~4.5 {H$

bmo4.5~6.2 {H$

bmo6.2 {H$bmo go








1) _erZ H$mo hdmXma OJh _ aI Ÿ& _erZ H$mo Eogr



nmZr H$m ñVa







Amoda âbmo


{~Obr H$m H$ZoŠeZ Am¡a nmZr OmZo H$s


Ÿ& _erZ


{S>Q>O]Q> H$s _mÌm

45 J«m_


55 J«m_


65 J«m_


70 J«m_














H$mo Q>‹oT>o ‹\$e© na Z aI Ÿ& gy`© H$s


J_u `m






30 J«m


35 J«m_


40 J«m_


45 J«m_



H§$g§Q´>oQ> {S>Q>O]Q> H$s _









AmЩVm go _erZ H$mo Xya aI Ÿ&























gmâQ>Za H$s _mÌm

25 {_.br.


30 {_.br.


35 {_.br.


40 {_.br.


2) nmda ßbJ H$mo gmHo$Q> _ bJm X Ÿ&
























H$n‹S>mo§ H$s _mÌm H$n‹S>mo§ Ho$ AmH$ma Ho$ AZwgma AbJ AbJ hmo gH$Vr h¡ &

3) ‹dmQ>a BÝboQ>>> hmo‹O H$mo nmZr Ho$ Zb go Omo‹S>

4) S´>oZ nmB©n H$mo _erZ go ~mha {ZH$mb Ÿ& grYm H$a b Vm{H$ Cg_

`[X H$n‹S>o R>rH$ T>§J go Zhr Ky_Vo Vmo Hw$N> H$n‹S>o {ZH$mb brOrE Ÿ&

_mo‹S> Z ah Om`o Ÿ& Am¡a Zmbr dm{e§J _erZ Ho$ g~go {Zmbo {hñgo go

Vm{bH$m - 2













Hw$N> ZrMr hmoZr Mm{hE, Vm{H$ nmZr ghr T>§J go nyar Vah go {ZH$b














gHo$ Ÿ&










$ \$m`~agyVr


AË`m{YH$ J§Xo H$n‹S>o





H$n‹S>mo§ H$m d‹OZ



5) nhbr ~ma _erZ Ho$ BñVo_mb Ho$ Xm¡amZ S´>oZ nmB©n go nmZr ~mha Am




















YwbmB© H$m2 {gZQ>`




7-10 {_ZQ>









gH$Vm h¡ Ÿ& `h nmZr \¡$ŠQ>ar _ _erZ H$s$ Om±M Ho$

{bE BñVo_mb


3 {H$bmo go






















{H$`m hþAm hmoVm h¡ Ÿ&








dme {gboŠQ>aukeZy



























3.0 ~ 4.0 {H$bmoYwbmB© H$m2-5g{ `ZQ>


7-10 {_ZQ>


10-15 {_ZQ>





























YwbmB© H$s V¡`mar








dme {gboŠQ>aukeZy








4.0 ~ 5.0 {H$bmo

YwbmB© H$m7-10g_{`_ZQ>

10-15 {_ZQ>


dme15 {_ZQ>


1) _erZ g_Vb OJh na aI





dme {gboŠQ>aukeZy























YwbmB© H$mdmeg 10`-15{_ZQ>

dme15 {_ZQ>






2) `h gw{Z{íMV H$a {H$ B©bo[ŠQ´>H$ H$ZoŠeZ _ Am{WªJ hmo






dme15 {_ZQ>


5.0 {H$bmo go













3) S´>oZ hmoO H$mo ZrMo {bQ>mE








dme {gboŠQ>aukeZy







4) dmQ>a BÝboQ> hm‹oO H$mo nmZr Ho$ Zb go Omo‹S>

5)H$nS>m H$s Oo~ go {gŠH$m VWm {nZ {ZH$mbo. CZ_ nS>r {MO dm°qeJ _erZ `m H$nS>m H$mo ZwH$gmZ nhþ±Mm gH$Vr h¢ Ÿ& ImgH$a {ZH$mgr nmB©n _ ê$H$mdQ> hmo gH$Vr h¡ Ÿ&

6)H$n‹S>mo§ Ho$ d‹‹OZ Am¡a àH$ma Ho$ AZwgma dmQ>a bodb MwZ I§JmbZm :

7) nmda pñdM H$mo Mmby H$a

- H$n‹S>mo Ho$ AZwgma nmZr H$m ñVa Mw{Z` Ÿ&

YwbmB© H$m Var‹H$m

- dme Q>mB_a Zm~~10 H{_$ZQ>mo 5Ho$ ~rM aI Ÿ&

- I§JmbZo H$s à{H«$`m H$s g_m{ßV na S´>oZ {gboŠQ>a H$mo S´>oZ H$s pñW{V _ Kw_mE




Zm°~ H$mo ^^gSoh@ukseZy**naaI Ÿ&

- H$n‹S>mo H$mo pñnZ Q>~ _ ñWm§V[aV H$a Ÿ&


nmZr H$mo {ZYm©[aV ñVa VH$ ^a b Ÿ& (_mÌm Ho$ {bE Vm{bH$m 1, 2 n{‹T>`o)


A~ dme Q>~ _ {ZpíMV _mÌm _ H$n‹S>o S>mbo§ Ÿ& (_mÌm Ho$ {bE Vm{bH$m 1, 2 n{‹T>`o)


{ZpíMV _mÌm _ {S>Q>O]Q> H$mo Q>~ _ S>mb Ÿ& (_mÌm Ho$ {bE Vm{bH$m 1 n{‹T>`o)&

5)dme Q>mB©_ H$mo H$nS>mo Ho$1AmHgo 15{$_maZQ>Am¡ana aIàHŸ&$ma Ho$ AZwgma

6)YwbmB© hmoZo na Zm°~ H$mo S´>oZ na aIH$a nmZr ~mha {ZH$mb Ÿ&


nmZr {ZH$bZo Ho$ ~mX Zm°~ H$mo ^^gSoh@ukseZy** fLFkfr esa yk,¡A


I§JmbZo Ho$ {bE {\$ago nmZr ^a Ÿ&

ZmoQ> : H$n‹S>o YmoVo g_` {ZYm©[aV H$r hþB© gr_m go ‹Á`mXm nmZr Z ^a Ÿ& Bggo nmZr Q>~ Ho$ ~mha AmZo H$s

g§^mdZm h¡ Ÿ&



Image 7
Contents 0 0 9 0 9 Df` gyMr ContentsDescription of Parts How to Install How to Spin §$Q´mob n¡Zb H$s nhMmZ Gwajm Cnm` Hñgo nw‹Om H$s nhMmZYwbmB H$s V¡`mar ErZ H$m g§ñWmnZYwbmB H$m Var‹H$m Gwajm Am¡a XoImb PñnZ emda apÝg¨J AVaŠV I§JmbZmGñ`m VWm Cnm` Haier Warranty

XPB62-0613D specifications

The Haier XPB62-0613D is a compact and efficient twin-tub washing machine designed to cater to the needs of small households and individuals. With its impressive functionality and user-friendly features, it comes as a reliable solution for laundry needs. This model stands out with its combination of performance, convenience, and energy efficiency.

One of the main features of the Haier XPB62-0613D is its dual tub design. This innovative layout allows users to wash and spin dry clothes simultaneously, significantly reducing the overall laundry time. The washing tub has a capacity of 6.2 kg, making it suitable for small to medium-sized loads, while the spin dry tub ensures that clothes come out damp but not dripping wet, facilitating quicker drying.

Another noteworthy characteristic is its intuitive control panel. The machine is equipped with simple dials and options that allow users to easily select washing cycles according to the fabric type and load size. This ease of use makes it an excellent choice for individuals who may not be familiar with more complex washing machines.

The Haier XPB62-0613D also incorporates several technologies that enhance its performance. One such feature is the powerful washing motor, which ensures effective cleaning by generating strong agitation. This makes it particularly effective at removing tough stains, while preserving the integrity of delicate fabrics.

Energy efficiency is a critical characteristic of this washing machine, making it an environmentally friendly option. It consumes less water and electricity compared to traditional washing machines, which not only benefits the user’s bills but also contributes to water conservation efforts.

Furthermore, the compact size of the XPB62-0613D ensures that it can fit into smaller living spaces without sacrificing functionality. Its lightweight construction allows for easy relocation, making it ideal for apartments, dormitories, or even for users who travel frequently.

Overall, the Haier XPB62-0613D stands out as a versatile, efficient, and user-friendly washing machine. With its dual tub design, intuitive controls, powerful motor, and energy-saving features, it effectively meets the laundry needs of modern lifestyles while remaining accessible to a wide range of consumers.