For your safety,the informationin this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion or to pre- vent property damage,personal injury
when using your appliance,foifow basic precautions,ineiudtngthe foilowing:
or death.
lDo not try to light any appliance. * Do not touch any electricalswitch.
lDo not use any phone in your building.
lClearthe room,building or areaof ail occupants.
limmediatelycall your gas supplier from a neighbor’s phone. Follow the gas supplier’s lnstructlons.
lif you cannot reachyour gas suppii- er,call the fire department,
Installation and service must be per- formed by a qualified h&alter, service agencyor the gas supplier.
1.Readall instructionsbeforeusingthe appliance.
2.To avoid the possibility of fire or explosion:
a.Do not dry items that have been previouslycleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted with gaso- line,
b. Items containing foam rubber (may be labeled latex foam) or similarly textured
3.Do not allow childrento play on or in the appliance.Close supervision of childrenis necessarywhenthe appli- ance is usednear children.
4.Beforethe applianceis removedfrom service or discarded, remove the doorto the drying compartment.
5.Do not reachinto the applianceif the drum is moving.
6.Do not install or store this appliance where it will be exposed to the weather,
7.Do not tamperwith controls.
8.Do not repair or replaceany part of the applianceor attemptany servic- ing unlessspecificallyrecommended in published
9.Do not use fabric softenersor prod- uctsto eliminatestatic unlessrecom- mendedfor dryer use by the manu- facturerof the fabricsofteneror prod- uct.
10.Clean the lint screen beforeor after each load.
11.Keep the area around the exhaust opening and surroundingareas free fromlint accumulation,dust and dirt.
12.The interior of the dryer and exhaust duct should be cleaned periodically by qualifiedservicepersonnel.
13.This appliance must be properly grounded.Never plug the appliance cord into a receptacle which is not grounded adequately and in accor- dance with local and nationalcodes. See installation instructions for groundingthis appliance.
14.Do not sit on top of the clothesdryer.