The digital depth shown
As the depth of the water changes, the Wide 3D Vision will automatically adjust the depth range and sensitivity as necessary to view the bottom
If a target is detected between the surface and the bottom and it meets the fish identification criteria, it is displayed as a fish symbol. Sonar returns that do not meet this criteria are displayed as “raw” information. Depending on the strength of the signal reflected from the target, and other factors, one of three different size fish symbols used. These reflected signals are “normalized” for depth, so that a small fish does not appear to be a large fish if it is close to the boat.
Since some species of fish tend to be better reflectors of sonar than others, the strength of return is not always an accurate indicator of fish size, however,
typically, the larger the fish, the larger the signal return.
Additionally, since the Wide3D Vision uses a six element transducer, the position of the target relative to the boat is known. To help differentiate targets seen directly under the boat from those seen in the outer beams, these fish symbols are indicated differently. Targets seen in the two center beams are located directly under your boat, and are displayed as solid fish symbols. Targets seen in the outer four beams are located in the outer portion of the sonar coverage area and are displayed as hollow fish symbols. This is true for all views.