Once Triplog is enabled, pressing MENU to bring the Triplog menu
Triplog can be used with any view, even Wide Side. When Triplog is enabled in Monster Digits view, the Triplog information will displace the water temperature readout.
To disable Triplog, press the MENU button until the Triplog menu is on screen. Use the UP ARROW to select Hide and let the menu time out. The Triplog continues to operate and log time and distance even when it is not visible
The Options Menu is actually a series of linked menu functions which are used initially to select user preferences. Once user preferences are selected, it is unlikely that these functions need to be accessed during the normal operation of the product.
The options menu works differently than other menu functions in that all of the options must be cycled through in order to return to normal operation. There are seven Option menus: Contrast, Units, Fish ID, Numerical size, Transducer, Display speed, and Reset.
Press MENU until the Options menu is
The Contrast function allows the user to control the level of contrast of the LCD display. The Wide 2000 will automatically adjust the display contrast to compensate for changing ambient temperatures; however some situations may occur where manual adjustment will provide a higher level of contrast.