Cisco Systems MDS 9000 manual Show cimserver, 20-16

Page 16

Chapter 20 Show Commands

show cimserver

show cimserver

To display the Common Information Models (CIM) configurations and settings, use the show cimserver command.

show cimserver [certificateName HttpsStatus HttpStatus status]

Syntax Description



Displays the installed Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate.




Displays the HTTP (non-secure) protocol settings for the CIM server.








Displays the HTTPS (secure) protocol for the CIM server.








Displays the CIM server status

















Command Modes


EXEC mode.





Command History


This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).





Usage Guidelines









The following example displays CIM server certificate files.



switch# show cimserver certificateName



cimserver certificate file name is servcert.pem

The following example displays the CIM server configuration.

switch# show cimserver cimserver is enabled cimserver Http is not enabled cimserver Https is enabled

cimserver certificate file name is servcert.pem

The following example displays the CIM server HTTPS status.

switch# show cimserver httpsstatus cimserver Https is enabled

The following example displays the CIM server HTTP status.

switch# show cimserver httpstatus cimserver Http is not enabled


Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference


78-16088-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3

Image 16
Contents Show Commands 20-120-2 20-3 Show aaa authentication Show aaa authentication20-4 To display configured server groups Switch# show aaa groupsShow aaa groups Show aaa groupsExec mode Show arpShow arp Clear arp-cacheBanner motd Configures the required banner message Switch# show banner motdShow banner motd Show banner motdShow boot 20-8Show boot auto-copy Show boot auto-copy listList Displays the list of files to be auto-copiedShow callhome 20-10Following example displays the full-text profile Following example displays the short-text profileFollowing example displays the XML destination profile Following example displays e-mail and Smtp informationShow cdp 20-12Following example displays all CDP neighbor entries Following example displays the specified CDP neighborFollowing example displays global CDP parameters 20-13Switch# show cdp neighbors Switch# show CDP neighbor detailFollowing example displays CDP Neighbors brief Following example displays CDP neighbors detailSwitch# show cdp traffic interface mgmt Switch# show cdp traffic interface gigabitethernet 4/120-15 Traffic statistics for mgmt0 Input Statistics Total PacketsShow cimserver 20-16Command Switch# show clockShow clock Show clockSwitch# show cores Show coresShow cores 20-18Show debug logfile Switch# show debug logfile SampleFile20-19 Show environment 20-20Show hardware Displays all hardware components on a system 20-21Show fabric-binding 20-22Following example displays fabric binding statistics 20-23Following example displays Efmd statistics Switch# show fabric-binding efmd statistics20-24 Switch# show fabric-binding efmd statistics vsan Switch# show fabric-binding violationsFollowing example displays fabric binding violations 20-25Show fc-tunnel Show fc-tunnel explicit-path name tunnel-id-mapExplicit-path Tunnel-id-mapShow fc2 20-27Following example displays FC2 active socket information Following example displays FC2 socket binding informationFollowing example displays FC2 local N port information Following example displays FC2 Plogi session informationFollowing example displays FC2 physical port information Following example displays FC2 Vsan table20-29 PortShow fcalias name string vsan vsan-id Show fcalias20-30 Displays Configured Hosts Switch# show fcanalyzerShow fcanalyzer Show fcanalyzerStatistics interface Show fcc20-32 Show fcdomain 20-33Switch# show fcdomain domain-list vsan Switch# show fcdomain allowed vsanFollowing example displays the allowed domain ID lists 20-34Show fcdroplatency network switch Switch# show fcdroplatencyShow fcdroplatency 20-35Show fcflow stats AggregatedUsage Module slotShow fcfwd 20-37Show fcip profile Show fcip profile profile-idallAll 20-38Show fcns database DetailLocal 20-39Fcid Type Pwwn Vendor FC4-TYPEFEATURE Switch# show fcns database detail20-40 VSAN1Switch# show fcns database vsan Switch# show fcns databaseFollowing example displays the management Vsan Vsan 20-4120-42 Show fcns statistics Show fcns statistics detail vsan vsan-idDisplays detailed statistics 20-43Show fcroute DistanceLabel SummaryFollowing example displays unicast routing information Following example displays multicast routing information20-45 Switch# show fcroute unicast 0x040101 0xffffff vsan Switch# show fcroute summarySwitch# show fcroute summary vsan Following example displays route database informationShow fcs This command displays platform information Switch# show fcs ie vsan20-48 IE-WWNThis command displays ports within a specified WWN Switch# show fcs platform vsanSwitch# show fcs port vsan 24 Port List in Vsan 20-49Switch# show fcs statistics This command displays FCS statistics20-50 Show fcsp 20-51Fcsp enable Enables the FC-SP feature for this switch 20-52Show fctimer 20-53Show fdmi FdmiHba-id 20-54Following example displays VSAN1-specific Fdmi information 20-5520-56 CT Payload Len 2040 Port-id 210100e08b2af654Show ficon 20-57Following example displays port address information Following example displays configured Ficon information20-58 Following example displays all Ficon configuration files Following example displays port address counter information20-59 Port address Name is Is not blockedSaved configuration files Host control is Enabled20-60 Switch# show ficon vsan 2 portaddress Port is not admin blockedPort is admin blocked Following example displays control unit informationSwitch# show running-config Switch# show ficon first-available port-numberFollowing example displays the availble port numbers 20-62Show file Show file filename cksum md5sumCksum Md5sumShow flogi database Interface interfaceFollwing example displays details on the Flogi database 20-64Follwing example displays the Flogi interface Follwing example displays the Flogi VsanFollwing example displays the Flogi Fcid 20-65Switch# show fspf vsan 1 interface fc 2/14 Show fspfSpecifies the Vsan ID. The range is 1 to 20-66Switch# show fspf database vsan Following example displays Fspf interface informationFollowing example displays Fspf database information 20-67This command displays Fspf information for a specified Vsan 20-68Fspf vsan MaxageSwitch# show hardware BiosShow hardware Ipc-channel statusSwitch# show hardware ipc-channel status Displays the status of the IPC channel20-70 Active IPC-ChannelShow hosts Show hostsServers 20-71Bootflash Show incompatibility systemSlot0 VolatileShow install all impact 20-73Switch# show install all impact system bootflash Extracting loader version from image bootflash/vk73a20-74 Show install all status Show install all statusSwitch# show install all status 20-7520-76 Show in-order-guarantee Show in-order-guaranteeSwitch# show in-order-guarantee 20-77Show interface Switch# show interface fc1/11 fc1/11 is up Switch# show int sup-fc0 sup-fc0 is upInterface fc1/1 5 , fc2/5 20-79Switch# show int vsan Switch# show interface description fc1/1Following example displays information for a Vsan interface 20-80Switch# show interface counters brief Switch# show interface fcip 3 counters fcip320-81 20-82 Switch# show interface fcipClass F frames output, 80048 bytes Switch# show interface iscsi 2/1 iscsi2/1 is up SFP Diagnostics Information20-83 Hardware is GigabitEthernetSwitch# show interface fc2/5 transceiver details Switch# show interface fc-tunnel20-84 LSP IDShow ip access-list Show ip access-list list-numberusageIp access-list 20-85Show ip route Configured20-86 Switch# show ip routing Show ip routingShow ip routing Following example the IP routing stateShow ips arp interface gigabitethernet slot/port Show ips arp20-88 Show ips ip route 20-89Show ips stats 20-90Following example displays iSCSI buffer statistics Following example displays Icmp statisticsFollowing example displays IP statistics Following example displays MAC statisticsFollowing example displays TCP statistics 20-92Establish ListenSwitch# show ips status module Show ips statusIdentifies the module in the specified slot 20-93Following example displays all configured iSCSI initiators Switch# show iscsi globalShow iscsi global Show iscsi globalShow iscsi initiator Fcp-sessionIscsi-session Name20-96 Switch# show iscsi initiator detailVsan ID Show iscsi session 20-97Following command displays the specified iSCSI target Following command displays the specified iSCSI initiatorSwitch# zone name iscsi16A vsan 20-98Switch# show iscsi stats iscsi8/1 Show iscsi statsShow iscsi stats iscsi slot/port clear detail ClearSwitch# show iscsi stats detail iscsi8/1 Following command displays detailed iSCSI statistics20-100 20-101 TMF REQSwitch# show iscsi stats iscsi 8/1 iscsi8/1 20-102Show iscsi virtual-target Show iscsi virtual-target configured name20-103 Isns profile Show isns20-104 Switch# show isns profile ABC counters Switch# show isns profile counters20-105 ISNS profile name ABCShow ivr 20-106Following example displays the status of the IVR feature Following example displays the configured IVR Vsan topologyFollowing example displays the active IVR Vsan topology 20-107Following example displays the IVZ configuration Following example displays the active Ivzs configurationFollowing example displays the Ivzs configuration Following example displays information for a specified IVZIvr enable Enables IVRFollowing example displays the specified zone set 20-109Show kernel core Show kernel core limit module slot targetLimit TargetShow license 20-11120-112 Switch# show license host-idLicense hostidVDH=4C0AF664 Show line 20-11320-114 Show logging 20-11520-116 Switch# show logging facility Following example displays console logging statusFollowing example displays logging facility status 20-117Following example displays logging information Switch# show logging info20-118 Following example displays switching module logging status Following example displays last few lines of a log fileFollowing example displays monitor logging status Following example displays server informationShow module Show module slot diag uptimeDiag UptimeThis module is the standby supervisor module Mechanism is enabled20-121 Show ntp 20-122Following examples display the NTP information 20-123Show port-channel Compatibility-parametersConsistency Interface port-channelFollowing example displays the PortChannel database Command With Details20-125 Last count Show port-security20-126 Following example port security statistics Following example displays the activated database20-127 Switch# show port-security status 20-128Number of sWWN deny Jul 9 083220 2003Show processes 20-129Switch# show processes cpu 20-130Switch# show processes log pid 1339 Service fspf 20-131Show qos 20-13220-133 Switch# show radius-server Show radius-serverShow radius-server groups sorted 20-134Show rlir HistoryRecent Interface fc slot/portSwitch# show rlir statistics vsan Switch# show rlir erlFollowing example displays the Rlir statistics for all ERLs 20-136Following example displays the ERLs for the specified Vsan Following example displays the Rlir history20-137 10020-138 2003 Wed DecFc1/2 Implicit Fc1/4 ImplicitSwitch# show role Show roleShow role name string 20-139Show rscn Show rscn scr-table vsan vsan-id statistics vsan vsan-idScr-table 20-140Switch# show rscn statistics vsan 20-141Number of SCR received ACC receivedShow running-config 20-14220-143 Switch# show running-config interface mgmt0 Switch# show running-config feature vsan vsan database20-144 Interface mgmt0 Ip address scsi-target 20-145Following example displays a customized discovered targets Following example displays discovered disk informationFollowing example displays the discovered LUNs for all OSs 20-14620-147 Switch# show scsi-target pwwnOS Pwwn Show snmp 20-148Following example displays Snmp user details Following example displays Snmp community informationFollowing example displays Snmp host information 20-149Show span session Show span session session-idbrief briefFollowing example displays a specific Span session details 20-150Switch# show span session Following example displays all Span sessions20-151 Destination is fc-tunnelShow sprom 20-152Specific to the Cisco MDS 9216 switch Following command displays supervisor module information20-153 Sup20-154 Epld Epld aShow ssh 20-155Switch# show ssh key Following example displays Host Key Pair details20-156 Fingerprint 512 f7cc903df58aa9ca48769ff86e71d4aeShow startup-config 20-15720-158 20-159 20-160 Show switchname Displays switch serial numberFollowing example displays the name of the switch SerialnumShow system 20-162Following example displays the default switch port states Following example displays the system reset informationFollowing example displays the system redundancy status Following example displays the system health informationSwitch# show system uptime Switch# show system coresFollowing example displays the system uptime 20-164Show system health LoopbackTimelog 20-165Switch# show system health statistics Switch# show system health module20-166 Switch# show system health statistics module Switch# show system health statistics loopbackSwitch# show system health statistics loopback timelog 20-167Switch# show tacacs-server Show tacacs-serverShow tacacs-server groups sorted 20-168Module Show tech-support20-169 Show processes log details 20-170Module DS-2SLOT-FANVegas01# show tech-support brief 20-171Fcot 20-172 Switch# show telnet server Show telnet serverShow telnet server Following example displays the status of the Telnet serverSwitch# show terminal Show terminalShow terminal Following example displays terminal informationShow tlport 20-175Following example displays the TL ports in all VSANs Following example displays the contents of the alpa-cache20-176 Switch# show trunk protocol Show trunk protocolShow trunk protocol Following example displays trunk protocol statusShow user-account Show user-account user-nameiscsiIscsi Following example displays information for all usersSwitch# show users Show usersShow users Following example displays all usersShow version Epld urlImage EpldSwitch# show version module 2 epld Switch# show versionFailure case Following example displays available Epld versionsVersion Existing version Loader version 1.03 ---------------new version20-182 Ver modShow vrrp Show vrrp statistics vr group interface typeInterface type 20-183Switch# show vrrp statistics Following example displays Vrrp statisticsFollowing example displays Vrrp cumulative statistics 20-184Show vsan MembershipUsage 20-185Following examples displays configured Vsan information Switch # show vsan membership interface fc1/1 fc1/1Switch# show vsan 20-18620-187 Vsan 4094isolatedvsanDisplays switch WWN Switch# show wwn switchSwitch WWN is 2001ac165e520001 Show wwnShow zone 20-189Switch# show zone name Zone1 Following example displays members of a specific zone20-190 Zone name Zone1 vsanFollowing example displays read-only zone details Following example displays LUN-zoning details20-191 Following example displays the status of configured zones Switch# show zone statusSwitch# show zone status vsan 20-192Show zoneset Show zoneset name zoneset-name brief active vsan vsan-idActive 20-19320-194
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MDS 9000 specifications

Cisco Systems MDS 9000 series is a line of storage networking switches designed to address the unique demands of enterprise-level data centers. These switches provide high-performance solutions for connecting various storage devices, including traditional disk arrays, solid-state drives, and tape libraries. The MDS 9000 series is built for scalability, high availability, and advanced security, making it an ideal choice for organizations looking to optimize their storage infrastructure.

One of the standout features of the MDS 9000 series is its support for Fibre Channel and FICON protocols, which enable seamless integration with various storage technologies. This versatility is crucial for organizations that may be using a mix of applications and storage performance requirements. The switches support multiple speeds, including 1G, 2G, 4G, 8G, and even 16G Fibre Channel rates, ensuring that they can adapt to evolving storage needs.

The MDS 9000 is known for its advanced features in terms of management and automation. Cisco provides intelligent automation capabilities to enhance operational efficiency. Features like Flow Vision and intelligent network services allow for deep visibility into storage environments, enabling administrators to monitor performance, troubleshoot issues, and optimize resource allocation effectively. This level of visibility helps organizations to mitigate risks and ensure data availability.

Security is another paramount consideration for the MDS 9000 series. The switches are equipped with a range of security features, including role-based access controls, encryption technologies, and zoning options. These capabilities help safeguard sensitive data and ensure compliance with industry regulations, making the MDS 9000 a trusted choice for enterprises dealing with critical data.

The architecture of the MDS 9000 series is designed for high availability and resiliency. With redundant power supplies and cooling systems, these switches minimize downtime and ensure continuous operation. Additionally, they offer advanced features like non-disruptive software upgrades, which eliminate the need for scheduled outages during firmware updates.

In summary, the Cisco Systems MDS 9000 series offers a robust set of features tailored for enterprise storage networking. Its support for various protocols, intelligent management capabilities, and high availability characteristics make it a preferred choice for organizations seeking to optimize their storage infrastructure for both current and future needs. By investing in the MDS 9000 series, businesses can enhance their operational efficiency, ensure data security, and maintain a competitive edge in today's data-driven landscape.