The Realistic DX
of radio waves.
Short wave radr,r signals arcused forlong distance trans- nission becausc of the way they are reflectcd back to earth by the ionosplx'rcRadiation.frorn space (primarily Ironr thc sut)causes ioniz:ltioll olthe loycrs oI gascs higlt above thc carth. Shott wrr,rt
Listed below are sone of the many types of broadcasts
[hat can be heard on the short wave bands:
Amateur Radio (Ham)
Mobile Radio - Telepirone
Citizens Band(CB)
lnt. Short Wave (Voice of America, etc. ) Standard Time Sigrnls (WWV)
Thc Realistic
Utilizing four tubes (one multipurpose tube affords five tube perf ormance) plus rec tif ie r, the superhetrodyne c i r - cuit is designedto operate from a 105 to l25volt, 60 cycle power source. A power transformer eliminates the haz - ard of a hot chassis. Housed in a vinyl clad steel taple model cabinet, the receiver features an eight inch "slide rule" type dial with continuous tuning of all four bands, plus bandspread for precise location of signals on tie busy short wave bands.