Wcight (net) Frequency Rangc
Audio Orltput
Input Voltage
Power Consumption
6 - 5 / 1 6 x 1 4 - I / 4 x L t ) - 1 7 / 3 2 15 pounds
5 5 0t o 1 6 0 0K C - 1 . 6 t o 3 0 M C 3.5prvat 20 MC (6 db
6 db dorvn,14 . 5 KC;
60 db dorvn, I 25 KC I . 5 warrs
105to 125volts, 60 cps 35 watts
VOLUME Ciockwise rotation of t]le Volurne control knob turns on powcl and increascs volume.
BAND SE,LECTOR Rotation of the Band Selector knob switches antenna and local oscillator circuits for the var- ious tuning bands. Index numbers are located near the knob and at each end of the diai.
TUNING Rotation of the Tuning knob causes the main
tuning indicator (red) to move across the dial .
Choice of a location for tlrc rece iver may bc subject to several considerations . Tlrese include the arrangement oI
listencr, and acccss to a good electrical ground and an
outside antenna . MarT hours of listening enjoyrnent arc available from a short wave ll:cciver soitis recommend - ed that the selection of a location for the
be carefully made,
The antenna for standard broadcast is
ception on the short wave bands. As a general rule an outside antenna should be as high as practical and as long as possible (up to I00 ft.) for best reception of short wave signals. The antenna should be mounted away from power lines, trees, buildings, etc . , and should be attached to its supports by glass orceranric insulators . No . 12 to
16 ga . copper covered steel wire (uninsulated) is best for both the antenna and the down lead. A lightening arrestor should be connected to the down lead for protection against storm damage. For additional information on antenna design refer to 'A . R . R . L . Antenna Book" published by American Radio Relay League, or to any of the many other antenna handbooks currently available.
Connect the down lead from the antenna to the #2 termi-
nal on the rear of the receiver and connect the #l termi-
BANDSPREAD Rotation of the Bandspread loob affects a fine tuning adjustmcnt of the reception frequency. Nor- mally the indicator should be adjusted to the SET position. After the approximate frequency has been tuned by use of the rnain tuning
BFO | Clockwise rotation of the BFO control turns on a |
| |
Beat |
| ||
lation of the IF signalby tlris oscillator. A CW signal, as |
| ||
useclfol single side band or code telegraphy purposes, |
| ||
contains no modulation and must be modulated in the re- |
| ||
ceiver for proper reception (Note: settings in the lov/er |
| ||
range of this | control may also improve reception of weak | t | |
signals other than CW type). | , l | ||
ANL | ON | ln rfie up position this slide switch activares |
the Automatjc Noise Limiter circuits designed to mini- |
mize background noise, static, etc. Operation in the downposition may benecessary for reception of the very weak signals since the noise limiter suppresses all low- er level signals.
REC / STBY The receiver may be silenced by moving this slide switch to the STBY position witiout actually turning off power to the nrbes. Switching back to tfie REC position instantly returns tlle receiver to normal opera- tion without
nal to a good earth ground such as a water pipe. Plug the power cord into a standard receptacle providing ff7 VAC power .
PHONE This jack provides aconnectionforheadphones (50 to 1000 ohms) which automatically silences tlre inter- nal speaker. The Volume control functions as usual to vary the volume at tie headphones.