Variable conditions
Variable evaluation is provided so that you can apply the configurations for arrays and logical drives to different situations.
Variable condition elements contain arrays and global hot spares, and are of two types:
•No variables defined: This is the default configuration inserted with every controller, and you cannot remove or move it from last in the order.
•Variables defined: This is where any variable is compared to a value using one of the
Adding a new variable condition
To add a new variable condition under an embedded controller:
1.Expand Embedded Controller and select [No variable conditions defined].
2.Click Variables → New Variable Condition.
The Variable Condition Configuration window is displayed.
3.Under Variable Matching Criteria, you can set a rule to apply this variable only if it matches certain criteria that you select.
4.Click OK to apply the variable condition or Cancel to return to Array Builder.
Editing a variable condition
1.Select the variable condition and click Variables → Edit Variable Condition.
The Variable Condition Configuration window is displayed where you can make changes to your variable condition.
2.Click OK to apply the variable condition or Cancel to return to Array Builder.
Deleting a variable condition
1.Select the variable condition and click Variables → Delete Variable Condition. A message that all the attached arrays and disks are deleted is displayed.
2.Click Yes to delete or No to cancel.
Array nodes include both RAID arrays and
•Arrays are added, modified or deleted depending on the controller configuration and number of disks available.
•Array elements contain logical drives and physical disks.