VHF Marine Radio Protocols
Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)
Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)
An MMSI is a nine (9) digit number used on a marine radio capable of using digital selective calling (DSC). It is used to selectively call other vessels or shore stations and is similar to a telephone number.
For your CobraMarine radio to operate in the DSC mode, you must enter your Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number. See page 62 for instructions on how to enter your number.
MMSI Numbers are available in the U.S.A. from these Sources:
■Boat U.S.:
■Maritel: 888-Maritel (888-627-4835)
■Sea Tow International:
In Canada, Contact:
Industry Canada Spectrum Management Office (only available on the Internet):
To Obtain an MMSI Number Outside the U.S.A.:
Users can obtain an MMSI from their country’s telecommunications authority or ship registry. This may involve amending or obtaining a ship station license.
This equipment is designed to generate a digital maritime distress and safety signal to facilitate search and rescue. To be effective as a safety device, this equipment must be used only within communication range of a
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