Our Thanks to You and
Customer Assistance
Thank you for purchasing a CobraMarineTM MF 2500 Fish Finder. Properly used, this product will give you many years of reliable service.
How Your CobraMarineTM MF 2500 Fish Finder Works
The CobraMarineTM chartplotter combined with the sonar performance of the CobraMarineTM MF 2500 Fish Finder is one of the most advanced marine navigation system available. Please read this Owner’s Manual carefully to learn the operation and installation features for your unit. Refer to your chartplotter Owner’s Manual for all other software operating instructions.
Should you encounter any problems with this product, or not understand its many features, please refer to this Owner’s Manual. If you require further assistance after reading this Owner’s Manual, Cobra Electronics CorporationTM offers the following customer assistance services:
For Assistance in the U.S.A
Automated Help Desk English only.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Customer Assistance Operators English and Spanish.
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. through Fri. (excepth holidays)
Questions English and Spanish.
Faxes can be received at
Technical Assistance
English only: www.cobra.com
English and Spanish: productinfo@cobra.com
For Assistance Outside the U.S.A
Contact Your Local Dealer or Distributor. Please see www.cobra.com for contact information.
2 Owner's Manual