System Suggestion
NX2 Race Software
The FDX, Fast Data eXchange, is the protocol that allows the PC to become a fully integrated NX instrument when connected to the NXR Server.
The NX2 Race software is delivered free of charge with all NXR Servers, so bring your PC onboard and use all capabilities that the NXR system can offer!
The NX2 Race software enables you to monitor all data in analogue or digital format, load polar diagrams, create waypoints and routes, logging all data, calibrate the transducers and system setup. You can also activate the NXR Steer Pilot, set backlight levels on the instruments etc. In short - control the whole system.
The latest NX2 Race software can also be downloaded on the web for use with Nexus Marine FDX server based systems.
Connect your PC direct to the Race Server PC port. When the NX2 Race software is started, the Server will automatically switch over to FDX mode to be fully integrated with the NX2 system.