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This unit is for vehicles with a 12-volt battery and negative grounding. Before installing it in a recreational vehicle, truck, or bus, check the battery voltage.

To avoid shorts in the electrical system, be sure to disconnect the ￿battery cable before beginning installation.

Refer to the owner’s manual for details on connecting the power amp and other units, then make connections correctly.

Secure the wiring with cable clamps or adhesive tape. To protect the wiring, wrap adhesive tape around them where they lie against metal parts.

Route and secure all wiring so it cannot touch any moving parts, such as the gear shift, handbrake, and seat rails. Do not route wiring in places that get hot, such as near the heater outlet. If the insulation of the wiring melts or gets torn, there is a danger of the wiring short-circuiting to the vehicle body.

Don’t pass the yellow lead through a hole into the engine compartment to connect to the battery. This will damage the lead insulation and cause a very dangerous short.

Do not shorten any leads. If you do, the protection circuit may fail to work when it should.

Never feed power to other equipment by cutting the insulation of the power supply lead of the unit and tapping into the lead. The current capacity of the lead will be exceeded, causing overheating.

When replacing fuse, be sure to use only fuse of the rating prescribed on the fuse holder.

Since a unique BPTL circuit is employed, never wire so the speaker leads are directly grounded or the left and right ￿speaker leads are common.

The black lead is ground. Please ground this lead separately from the ground of high-current products such as power amps.

If you ground the products together and the ground becomes detached, there is a risk of damage to the products or fire.

If the RCA pin jack on the unit will not be used, do not remove the caps attached to the end of the connector.

Speakers connected to this unit must be high-power types with minimum rating of 45 W and impedance of 4 to 8 ohms. Connecting speakers with output and/or impedance values other than those noted here may result in the speakers catching fire, emitting smoke, or becoming damaged.


Image 8
Contents DEH-P8100R Rqwhqwv Detaching and Replacing Front Panel Installation with the Rubber Bush QvwdoodwlrqRemoving the Unit QVWDOOLQJWKH6WHHULQJ5HPRWH&RQWURO8QLW Installing the Unit on a Left-Hand-Drive Car RQQHFWLQJWKH8QLWV No ACC position Rqqhfwlrqldjudp Antenna jack This Product CapNon Fading Output Sold separately Blue/white Door Switches White/yellow Door Switch53$OHUW,QVWDOODWLRQ DescriptionDoor Switch White/yellow Grounding Type SwitchPositive Non-grounding Type Switch Installing New Pin SwitchesHead Unit Steering Remote Controller\LQGHU Resetting the Microprocessor HIRUH8VLQJ7KLV3URGXFWAbout This Product About This ManualReverse Demo About the Demo ModeFeature Demo When using the DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting Tuner Indications that light when Function is switched onAbout This Product’s Indications DAB Status IndicationsOperation Changing the LabelChanging Display Indications Operating Announcements with the Function MenuService List Function Precaution Case of Trouble5HPRWH&RQWUROOHUDQG&DUH Using the Steering Remote ControllerChanging the DSP/MAIN Unit Switch Setting ‡ 5HPRYHWKHOLWKLXPEDWWHU\ Battery Install the Lithium BatteryReplacing the Lithium Battery DVLF2SHUDWLRQ To Listen to Music6HOHFWWKHGHVLUHGVRXUFHHJ7XQHU 5DLVHRUORZHUWKHYROXPH 7XUQWKHVRXUFH2Manual and Seek Tuning Preset Number Indicator Band Indicator Frequency IndicatorBasic Operation of Tuner BandSwitching the Display Play Time Indicator Track Number IndicatorSwitching the Display only for CD Text Discs Basic Operation of Built-in CD PlayerOpen Track Search and Fast Forward/ReverseDisc Loading Slot Track Number Indicator Disc Number Indicator Basic Operation of Multi-CD Player6HOHFWWKHGHVLUHGEORFNZLWKWKH WR Exwwrqv Disc Number Search for 6-Disc, 12-Disc typesDisc Number Rough Search for 50-Disc type only Head Unit Steering Remote Display Controller Dvlf 2SHUDWLRQCorresponding Display Indications and Buttons DQFHOWKHXQFWLRQ0HQX Entering the Function Menu2SHUDWHDPRGHHJ5DQGRP3OD\ Built-in CD Player Function Menu FunctionsTuner Multi-CD Player 2SHUDWHDPRGH DQFHOWKHHWDLOHG6HWWLQJ0HQX Entering the Detailed Setting MenuQWHUWKHHWDLOHG6HWWLQJ0HQX Detailed Setting Menu Functions Local Seek Tuning Local 7XQHU2SHUDWLRQBest Stations Memory Best Stations Memory EhiruhphpruldwlrqlvfrpsohwhWhat is RDS? Program Service Name Display8VLQJ56XQFWLRQV PTY Information$FWLYDWHRUGHDFWLYDWH$ZKLOHLQDQ0EDQG AF Function AlternativeFrequencyActivating/Deactivating the AF Function Auto PI Seek for preset station PI Seek FunctionRegional Function Regional PI Seek$FWLYDWHWKH7$IXQFWLRQ Traffic Announcement Standby Function Traffic AnnouncementActivating/Deactivating the TA Function Canceling Traffic Announcements Adjusting the TA VolumeTP Alarm Function DqqrxqfhphqwdqguhwxuqwrwkhruljlqdovrxufhPTY Function Searching the PTYNews Program Interruption Setting News PTY AlarmCanceling Announcements 6HWLQWHUUXSWLRQWR21RU2PTY List LGH 1DUURZ HwdlovRandom Play RandomPlay Repeat Play Play Mode8VLQJWKH%XLOWLQ&3OD\HU Pause Pause Scan Play Scan Play6ZLWFKWKH6FDQ3OD\21ZLWKWKH Exwwrq Disc Title Input Title Input ABC Selecting Tracks by Track Title List Track List3OD\WKHVHOHFWHGWUDFNZLWKWKH Exwwrq 8VLQJ0XOWL&3OD\HUV 6ZLWFKWKH5DQGRP3OD\LVSOD\ 3OD\UDQJH Comp./DBE ON/OFF Switching Compression and DBE CompressionComp 6HOHFWWKHGHVLUHGPRGHZLWKWKH ExwwrqvITS Instant Track Selection ITS Programming ITS Memory3OD\WKHWUDFN\RXZLVKWRSURJUDP ITS Play ITS PlayDisc Title Erase a Track Program6HOHFWWKHWUDFN\RXZLVKWRHUDVHGXULQJ,763OD\ Erase a Disc ProgramTo insert a space, select the flashing cursor Selecting Discs by Disc Title List Disc List $XGLR$GMXVWPHQW Selecting the Equalizer CurveEntering the Audio Menu 6HOHFWWKHGHVLUHGPRGHLQWKH$XGLR0HQXBalance Adjustment FAD/BAL Audio Menu FunctionsEqualizer Curve Adjustment EqualizEr Equalizer Curve Fine Adjustment EqualizEr Loudness Adjustment LoudnEss 6ZLWFKWKH/RXGQHVVIXQFWLRQ6HOHFWWKHGHVLUHGOHYHOZLWKWKH Exwwrqv Subwoofer Output Sub W-1Non-Fading Output Non FadE-1 Subwoofer Setting Adjustment Sub W-26HOHFWWKHIUHTXHQF\WR+ Non-Fading Output Level Adjustment Non FaDE-2 High Pass Filter High PassFront Image Enhancer Function FIE 6ZLWFKWKH,IXQFWLRQSource Level Adjustment SLA Function Theft Protection Detaching the Front Panel2SHQWKHIURQWSDQHO 6OLGHDQGUHPRYHWKHIURQWSDQHOWRZDUG\RXEntering the Initial Setting Menu QLWLDO6HWWLQJ7XUQWKHVRXUFH2 QWHUWKH,QLWLDO6HWWLQJ0HQX 6HOHFWWKHGHVLUHGPRGHInitial Setting Menu Functions Changing the FM Tuning Step FM tuning stepSetting the DAB Priority Function DAB Priority When it is onSwitching the AUX Mode AUX Switching the Auto PI Seek Auto PI SeekSetting the Warning Tone Warning Tone Switching the Rear Speaker Output Rear Speaker Out Setting the Subwoofer Control Sub woofer controlSetting the Dimmer Dimmer Selecting the Illumination Color Illumination ColorSelecting the Wall Paper Wall Paper Selecting the Brightness Brightness53$OHUWXQFWLRQ Activating the RFP Alert FeatureSetting Entry Delay Time Speaker Volume Output Adjustment Activating Internal Speaker ON/OFFSelecting Door Switching Systems Door System ConfirmationDisarming Alert Operation of RFP AlertArming Alert Entry Detection Switching the Entertainment Display Using the PGM Button Program FunctionSetting the PGM Button 2WKHUXQFWLRQVUsing the PGM Button 8VHWKH3*0EXWWRQUsing the AUX Source Cellular Telephone MutingSelecting the AUX Source AUX Title Input3OD\HUDQG&DUH Built-in CD Player’s Error Message 0HVVDJH 3RVVLEOHFDXVH 5HFRPPHQGHGDFWLRQ6SHFLILFDWLRQV Pioneer Electronic Corporation