Lennox International Inc Harmony III owner manual How do I use the thermostat controls?

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How do I use the thermostat controls?

Whether in central mode (where only zone 1 thermostat is functional) or in the zone mode (where all thermostats are functional), thermostats function as in a traditional, non− zoned, system. That is:

SHEAT setting tells the control center that it should pro- vide heat to the zone(s) when it is needed.

SCOOL setting tells the control center to provide cool air to the zone(s) when there is a need.

SAUTO setting allows either heating or cooling to occur, depending on the need. This selection is best in spring or autumn, when the temperature is cool in the morn- ing but still warms in the afternoon. By placing the ther- mostats in AUTO, heating would come on in the morn- ing and cooling in the afternoon, if needed.

SFAN AUTO or FAN ON tells the control center how the blower should operate. Select one or the other. FAN AUTO allows the blower to turn on and turn off with the heating or cooling needs. FAN ON tells the blower to run continuously. Zone-controlled dampers in the sys- tem make it possible to have some zones call for con- tinuous fan (FAN ON) while other zones are set to FAN AUTO.

What does the service light indicate?

On heat pump systems only, the service light, located on the master thermostat, indicates that the outdoor unit re- quires service. The service lights on zone 2, 3 and 4 ther- mostats are not functional. Call your Lennox service tech- nician if the service light on the zone 1 thermostat is lit.

How do I use the central (Vacation) mode?

When you choose central (Vacation ON) mode, heating and cooling will affect all zones.

1.Move the Vacation switch on the control center to ON.

2.Choose either HEAT or COOL or AUTO on the master (zone 1) thermostat.

3.Choose either FAN AUTO or FAN ON on the master thermostat.

4.Set master thermostat to desired room temperature.

How do I use the zone mode?

When you choose zone (Vacation OFF) mode, heating and cooling is controlled by specific zone thermostats.

1.Move the Vacation switch on the control center to OFF.

2.Choose either HEAT or COOL or AUTO on each ther- mostat (thermostats need not be set alike).

3.Choose either FAN AUTO or FAN ON on each thermo- stat (these may be set differently in each zone).

4.Set thermostats to desired room temperature.

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Contents Contents HOMEOWNER’S ManualHow do I set the control center switches? What is the Harmony IIIt Zone Control Sys- tem?What does the system consist of? Comes on when Emergency Heat switch set to on What does the service light indicate? How do I use the thermostat controls?How do I use the central Vacation mode? How do I use the zone mode?Maintenance Thermostat replacementHow are zones determined? Homeowner’s Zone Information Record