Grizzly T24830 Reference Info, Accessories, H4412-The Guitar Handbook, H4409-The Art of Inlay

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Refer to our website or latest catalog for additional recommended accessories.

T23099—Chromatic Tuner/Metronome

I]^h bZigdcdbZ$ijcZg ^h hj^iVWaZ [dg Vaa ZaZXig^X VcYVXdjhi^Xhig^c\ZY^chigjbZcih#>i]VhVcZVhn" id"gZVYA89Y^heaVnVcY^hVWaZidijcZcdiZh/6! 6!7!8!8!9!9!:!;!;!<!VcY<#HZkZc WZVi hZii^c\h VcY * g]ni]bh bV`Z i]^h kZghVi^aZ YZk^XZVbjhi[dgi]Zcdk^XZdgZmeZg^ZcXZYbjh^" X^Vc#

H4412—The Guitar Handbook.

I]Z <j^iVg =VcYWdd` ^h i]Z XdbeaZiZ \j^YZ id eaVn^c\ i]Z \j^iVg  [gdb h^beaZ X]dgYh id VYkVcXZY^begdk^hVi^dch#>ihjc^fjZaZVgc^c\egd" \gVb XdbW^cZh hiZe"Wn"hiZe e]did\gVe]h l^i] V X]dgY Y^Xi^dcVgn XdciV^c^c\ dkZg -%% ZVhn"id"[da" adl[^c\Zg^c\h#>i^hVahdVXdbegZ]Zch^kZbVcjVa dc\j^iVg]VgYlVgZVcYeZg[dgbVcXZiZX]cdad\n! hdjcYZfj^ebZciVcYheZX^VaZ[[ZXih#'*+eV\Zh#

Figure 39.I'(%..8]gdbVi^XIjcZg#

H4409—The Art of Inlay

I]^hWdd`^hWdi]VXZaZWgVi^dcd[i]ZVgid[^caVn VcY V ]VcYh"dc \j^YZ id ^ih bViZg^Vah! iddah VcY iZX]c^fjZh# >cXajYZh dkZg ,% Xdadg e]didh! Y^V" \gVbh! ]dl id ^chigjXi^dch VcY YZh^\c ^ch^\]ih [gdbAVggnGdW^chdc#&&'eV\Zh#

Figure 40.I]Z6gid[>caVn7dd`#

Figure 41.I]Z<j^iVg=VcYWdd`#

T21359—Guitar Finishing DVD

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Figure 42.<j^iVg;^c^h]^c\9K9#

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Image 21
Contents LEFT-HANDED Electric Guitar Table of Contents BdYZaI-%B\#HcXZ.$& SafetyManual Contact Info IntroductionBag Qty Parts InventoryIgZbdadWgY\Z# Supplies/ToolsSanding Body Sanding Neck AssemblyTo sand the guitar body  DcXZiZ\jiVgWdYnhYgn!gZeZVi #Masking Tape Areas Painting/Finishing™ CZX`EdX`Zi ™ c\ZgWdVgY ™ IgjhhGdY8jiDji Mounting Tuners To install the tuners GZbdkZiZijcZgh# IjcZg Bdjcic\=daZMounting Neck To attach the neck to the guitar bodyGZbdkZ iZ bVh`c\ iVeZ gdb iZ cZX` edX`Zi To position the pick guard on the guitar body Positioning Pick GuardTo attach the tremolo bridge to the guitar body Tremolo BridgeTo attach the strap buttons to the guitar body Strap ButtonsAudio Jack To install the guitar stringsWinding Strings To attach the audio jack to the guitar bodyString Retainers To install the string retainers JhZlgZXjiiZghidXjidiZZmXZhhhigc\# IVaaGZiVcZg HdgiGZiVcZgMounting Back Plate Mounting Pick GuardTo secure the pick guard to the guitar body Hihigc\Neck Adjustment SET UPGeneral String Height  #Higc\Cji JiVg7dYn BZVhjgZiZhigc\Z\ihViiZ&higZihZZ+iHigc\ ¿+ HiHigc\/&¿+ HigZi HiHigc\/¿+ \i d iZ higc\ hVYYaZ0 iZgZdgZ!Tremolo Arm Pick Up HeightTo measure the string height at the pick up CYgZiTuning Important issues to consider when tuning a guitarTo tune the guitar Reference Info AccessoriesH4412-The Guitar Handbook H4409-The Art of InlayH5962-Guitar Stand-Electric/Archtop =.- 7=ACHVcYc\HZVaZgPage Order Hours a DAY