Grizzly T24830 instruction manual String Retainers,  JhZlgZXjiiZghidXjidiZZmXZhhhigc\#

Page 15

2. <j^YZ i]Z hig^c\ dkZg i]Z hig^c\ hVYYaZ dc i]Z igZbdad Wg^Y\Z! dkZg i]Z hig^c\ cji! VcY i]gdj\] i]Z hig^c\ ]daZ ^c i]Z XdggZhedcY^c\ bVX]^cZ]ZVY#

3. 6aadldcanZcdj\]haVX`^ci]Zhig^c\[dg'"( gdiVi^dchVgdjcYi]ZbVX]^cZ]ZVY#

Note: If too much slack is allowed, then the string could wind off the machine head after many successive rotations. If not enough slack is allowed, then the string may not hold the winding tension.

4. 7ZcY i]Z hig^c\ Vi V g^\]i Vc\aZ VXgdhh i]Z ZY\Zd[i]ZbVX]^cZ]ZVY#

5. GdiViZi]Zijc^c\bVX]^cZjci^ai]Zhig^c\_jhi WZ\^chid]daYi]Zl^cY^c\iZch^dc#

Note: DO NOT tighten the strings beyond the initial tensioning at this time. Final tensioning should be completed during the string tuning process.

6. JhZl^gZXjiiZghidXjid[[i]ZZmXZhhhig^c\#

7. GZeZVii]ZVWdkZegdXZhh[dgi]ZgZbV^c^c\ hig^c\h#


String Retainers

I]Z h]dgi hig^c\ gZiV^cZg bdjcih WZilZZc i]Z &hiVcY'cYhig^c\hVcYi]ZiVaaZgheg^c\gZiV^cZg bdjcih WZilZZc i]Z (gY VcY )i] hig^c\h hZZ Figure 30#



Figure 30.Hig^c\gZiV^cZgadXVi^dch#

To install the string retainers:

1. HZXjgZi]Zedh^i^dcd[i]Zhig^c\gZiV^cZghid i]Z]ZVYhidX`l^i]bVh`^c\iVeZ#

2. Jh^c\ V &¿&+ Yg^aa W^i! Yg^aa &¿' YZZe ]daZh higV^\]ii]gdj\]i]Z]daZh^ci]Zhig^c\gZiV^c" Zgh#

Note: Drilling the holes deeper than 12" could result in drilling out through the front face of the headstock.

3. HZXjgZi]Zhig^c\gZiV^cZghidi]Z\j^iVgl^i] i]Z^cXajYZYild&¿'lddYhXgZlh#


Image 15
Contents LEFT-HANDED Electric Guitar Table of Contents BdYZaI-%B\#HcXZ.$& SafetyManual Contact Info IntroductionBag Qty Parts InventoryIgZbdadWgY\Z# Supplies/Tools DcXZiZ\jiVgWdYnhYgn!gZeZVi # AssemblySanding Body Sanding Neck To sand the guitar bodyMasking Tape Areas Painting/Finishing™ CZX`EdX`Zi ™ c\ZgWdVgY ™ IgjhhGdY8jiDji IjcZg Bdjcic\=daZ To install the tunersMounting Tuners  GZbdkZiZijcZgh#Mounting Neck To attach the neck to the guitar bodyGZbdkZ iZ bVh`c\ iVeZ gdb iZ cZX` edX`Zi To position the pick guard on the guitar body Positioning Pick GuardTo attach the tremolo bridge to the guitar body Tremolo BridgeTo attach the strap buttons to the guitar body Strap ButtonsTo attach the audio jack to the guitar body To install the guitar stringsAudio Jack Winding StringsIVaaGZiVcZg HdgiGZiVcZg To install the string retainersString Retainers  JhZlgZXjiiZghidXjidiZZmXZhhhigc\#Hihigc\ Mounting Pick GuardMounting Back Plate To secure the pick guard to the guitar body # SET UPNeck Adjustment General String Height\i d iZ higc\ hVYYaZ0 iZgZdgZ! BZVhjgZiZhigc\Z\ihViiZ&higZihZZHigc\Cji JiVg7dYn +iHigc\ ¿+ HiHigc\/&¿+ HigZi HiHigc\/¿+CYgZi Pick Up HeightTremolo Arm To measure the string height at the pick upTuning Important issues to consider when tuning a guitarTo tune the guitar H4409-The Art of Inlay AccessoriesReference Info H4412-The Guitar HandbookH5962-Guitar Stand-Electric/Archtop =.- 7=ACHVcYc\HZVaZgPage Order Hours a DAY