1 | 2 | 3 |
1. VOLUME: Determines volume level of the channel in the mix.
2. LOW EQ: The LOW EQ control gives 15db of boost or cut at 80Hz. By turning the knob to the right (boost) instruments such as guitars can be given more clarity, or vocals can be ‘warmed’. Turning to the left (cut) will eliminate unwanted low frequencies such as those caused by close miking or excessive bass frequencies in instru- ments
3. HIGH EQ: The High EQ control gives 15dB boost or cut at 12kHz. Turn to the right to add
5clarity to high frequency components such as per- cussion. By turning to the left, high frequencies such as ‘hiss’ are cut.
4.MIC/LINE INPUT: Connection can be made to the MIC/LINE inputs with either XLR or 1/4” phono jack. This connection can be either a microphone or a line level signal.
5.EFX: Use this control to determine the signal level to be sent to the built in digital delay effect control.
The LF control frequency has been carefully selected, allowing pleasing musical adjustment to vocals or instruments without losing their natural balance. The HF control is similarly designed to enable pleasing musical control without harshness or excessive mid range interference.
4 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 3 |
1.VOLUME: Determines volume level of the channel in the mix.
2.LOW EQ: The LOW EQ control gives 12db of boost or cut at 100Hz. By turning the knob to the right (boost) instruments such as guitars can be given more clarity, or vocals can be ‘warmed’. Turning to the left (cut) will reduce hum or unwanted background interference.
3.HIGH EQ: The High EQ control gives 12dB boost or cut at 8kHz. Turn to the right to add clarity to high frequency components such as percussion. By turning to the left, high fre- quencies such as ‘hiss’ are cut.
4.MIC/LINE INPUT: Connection can be made to the MIC/LINE inputs with either XLR or 1/4” phono jack. This connection can be either a microphone or a line level signal.
5.EFX: Use this control to determine the signal level to be sent to the built in digital delay effect control.
PM Series Instruction Manual Page 5