Press this button to turn on the power.
Pressing it again will turn off the power.
Pressing this button while holding down the REC and PLAY/STOP buttons will erase all the songs currently stored in the Recorder. (See page 16.)
It is recommended to turn the
This slider controls the master volume level of the piano’s sound.
Move this slider to the right to increase the volume and move to the left to decrease the volume.
This slider also controls the headphone’s volume and the LINE output level of the piano’s sound.
Press the DEMO button and the demo song for the Piano 1 category will start. After the Piano 1 demo songs are finished playing, the demo songs for another sound category will be selected at random.
If you would like to listen to the demos for a particular category, just press the desired SOUND SELECT button while the demo is playing. When you press the button, the demo will play the demo songs for the newly selected category. Then the demo songs for another category will be selected at random. See page 44 for the list of sound demo songs.
Turning on the power.
You will find the POWER SWITCH at the right end of the front panel. Press this button to turn on the power. Pressing it again will turn off the power.
Adjust the volume level.
The VOLUME SLIDER controls the volume level of the piano. Use this slider to set the volume to a comfortable listening level.
Quick Start