Intuitive Touchscreen Control
Intuitive Touchscreen Control
Central Touchscreen Display
The central touchscreen provides permanent, simultaneous metering of all output feeds and additional input resources, plus access to configuration tools. All outputs have integral tone and talkback injection, with signal level bargraph, output gain indication, and bus name tag for each. In addition, any output bus may be
ASG busses provide 8 stereo, or twin 5.1 plus twin stereo group busses, with dynamics gain reduction meter, delay and PGM routing indicators
24 Utility busses provide additional 5.1, stereo or mono IFB, record and submix capability
Four external selectors each have 12 inputs and provide fast switching for monitor loudspeakers, headphones etc. in 5.1 and stereo
Dynamic display area changes according to selected function
Reverse Bus feature allows overview and control of channel contribution to selected bus
C100 HD Range. This is SSL.
PGM outputs provide 2 outputs in stereo and/or 5.1, with dynamics gain reduction meters and simultaneous stereo and mono downmix feeds
The ON AIR indicator is driven from internal ‘Mic Live’ logic or triggered externally. It may also be signalled through any GPI output
24 pre/post Aux busses allow stereo linking between pairs, or mono use and advanced aux to fader features
Active talkback is indicated by busses turning green, and active tone is indicated by busses turning red, for immediate visual feedback
16 Direct Bus Access (DBA) inputs allow injection of signal to any and all busses, for submix inputs, FX returns or comms injection
Additional functions including Snapshot reset, bus naming and Free button assignment
The Monitor section shows activity, gain and signal levels for the stereo AFL and PFL busses, plus
2 stereo Comms mixers combine dual stereo inputs and have an
Touch Pan provides fast and precise 5.1 pan positioning
The ‘Spanner’ icon leads to the diagnostics and system setup
Direct Load and Save functions for the easy access to console set ups
Comcast SportsNet
“We believe that the C100 is the only console capable of real time, live 5.1 production for broadcast.”
Mike Giacalone, Digital Audio Consulting Engineer to Comcast, USA
Radio France
Radio France is the foremost music and talk station in France, with a renowned audiophile approach to their productions. Reliability and sonic quality of the C100 were prime deciding factors. After extensive evaluation of the competition, the C100’s sonic performance significantly exceeded their critical quality standards.