SVT-2 PRO Bass Amplifier
The Front Panel Controls and Their Use
| 19 |
| 20 | 21 |
| +12dB |
| +8dB |
| 0 |
| 0 |
| ||
| 40Hz | 90Hz | 180Hz 300Hz 500Hz | 1kHz | 2kHz | 4kHz 10kHz | LEVEL |
| ||
| ||||
| MUTE |
| PEAK / |
| |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| 9 |
| 10 |
| 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
1. INPUT: This jack accepts a passive or active |
instrument or a line level signal through a shield- |
ed instrument cable. |
2. PAD: This switch attenuates the input signal |
by 15dB. Attenuation allows the Gain control (4) |
to be used in a more usable (higher) position. If |
clipping is indicated even with the Gain control all |
the way down, attenuation is needed. |
3. MUTE: This switch kills the input to everything |
except the Tuner Out (34) to allow silent tuning. |
4. GAIN: This control, along with the Attenuator |
switch (2), adjusts the basic level of signal in the |
preamp. To get the best signal to noise ratio, set |
this control so that, on the loudest passages, the |
Peak LED (5) flashes occasionally. |
be out and the Drive control fully clockwise. Use | es between red and green. This usually indicates | |
the Gain control to set the amount of overdrive | a bad power tube. The amp will remain in this | |
desired. The Peak LED (5) will glow a steady red | condition until the unit is turned off. | |
when the amp is used in this manner. | 17. STANDBY: The Standby mode allows the | |
9. BASS: This is the primary low frequency con- | tubes to warm or remain warm without high volt- | |
trol. It allows for 12dB of cut or boost at 40Hz. | age being applied to them. This extends tube life. | |
10. MIDRANGE: This is the primary midrange | During short periods of | |
control. It allows for 15dB of cut or 12dB boost at | be put into Standby mode. When the amp is first | |
the center frequency selected by the Frequency | turned on, it is automatically in Standby mode, | |
control (11). | regardless of the switch position. After approxi- | |
11. FREQUENCY: Allows you to select the cen- | mately 20 seconds, the amp is in the mode | |
selected by the switch. | ||
ter frequency for the Midrange control (10), giving | ||
18. POWER: This supplies AC power to the unit. | ||
you a choice of five “voices” for the Midrange. | ||
The center frequencies are (from left to right) | This switch must be turned off to reset the amp | |
220Hz, 450Hz, 800Hz, 1.6kHz and 3kHz. | after a Fault condition. |
5. PEAK/MUTE LED: This LED flashes when |
the signal level in the preamp (excluding the |
Graphic EQ) approaches clipping. When the |
Mute switch (3) is engaged, this LED stays on as |
a visual indicator that Mute is active. |
6. ULTRA LOW: This switch, when engaged, |
provides emphasis to the low frequencies by |
boosting the low frequencies and selectively cut- |
ting the mid frequencies. |
12.TREBLE: This is the primary high frequency control. It allows for 12dB of cut or boost at 4kHz.
13.MASTER: This controls the signal to the power amp and therefore the overall listening level. It also controls the level to the Preamp Out jack (27).
14.ULTRA HIGH: This switch boosts higher fre- quencies than those affected by the Bright switch
The Graphic EQ can be used in two ways: 1) To fine tune your sound, make small adjustments at the desired frequencies and leave the EQ on throughout the entire session. (This is great for adapting to varying room acoustics when going from club to club, etc.) 2) For a completely different sound, make larger adjust- ments and only activate the EQ when you want a “sec- ond channel” sound (such as during bass solos).
7. BRIGHT: This switch, when pushed IN, |
boosts upper mid and high frequencies. |
8. DRIVE: This control is used to overdrive the |
preamp in order to get various distortion sounds. |
In the fully counterclockwise position the preamp |
is in the cleanest, traditional SVT condition. As |
the control is rotated clockwise, signal level is |
increased to drive the preamp harder (into distor- |
tion). The tone of the signal is also changed to |
provide a smoother overdrive. The tone controls |
may have to be readjusted to obtain the overall |
desired tone. The Gain control (4) and Attenuator |
switch (2) interact with the Drive control. For |
greater overdrive, the Attenuator switch should |
15.GRAPHIC EQ: This switch places the Graphic EQ circuitry in or out of the signal path. The switch must be pushed IN for the Graphic EQ footswitch to function. In the OUT position, there is no solid state circuitry in the signal path from input to power amp out.
16.STANDBY/POWER/FAULT INDICATOR LED: This is a multi functional LED. In Standby mode, it glows red. In the On mode (when the high voltage comes on) it glows green. If it does not turn green in the On mode, there is no high voltage present and the unit needs servicing. If the amp detects a fault in the power tube circuit, the high voltage is turned off and the LED flash-
19.FREQUENCY SLIDERS: These control the nine frequencies of the Graphic EQ section at the points indicated over each slider.
20.LEVEL: This adjusts the level of the signal to compensate for boosts or cuts, or for a desired level change when using the Graphic EQ.
21.ACTIVE LED: This LED glows green when the EQ section is enabled by the proper combi- nation of Graphic EQ switch (15) and footswitch (35). It flashes red when the signal gets close to clipping.