B4R Bass Amplifier
The Front Panel Controls and Their Use
33Hz 80Hz 150Hz 300Hz 600Hz 900Hz
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
1.0dB INPUT: The signal output from an instrument (active or passive – typically passive) or a line level signal may be connected here by means of a shielded instrument cable. The signal at this jack is sent into the preamp at full amplitude.
3.MUTE: This switch, when depressed, mutes all outputs except the Tuner Out (#41). A footswitch can also control muting if the Mute switch on the front panel is left in the “out” position. (The front panel switch is still active with a footswitch connected.) This is excellent for tuning your bass with an electronic tuner without having to adjust any levels or turn down your house volume.
4.TEXTURE: This switch adds a “tube emulation” stage which changes the tone for a more aggressive sound. Using the Texture switch, you can overdrive the amplifier without typical (and
5.GAIN: This control sets the level of the signal entering the preamp stage. Adjust this control until the Peak LED (#6) flashes on strong signal peaks (but is not illuminated con- stantly while playing). To obtain the best signal to noise ratio, set the Gain control as described above and adjust the Master (#14) to obtain the desired volume level.
6.PEAK LED: This LED will illuminate when the signal entering the preamp stage is near the clipping level. Adjust the Gain control (#5) until a strong signal from your instru- ment causes this LED to flicker.
7.STYLE: This
POSITION 1: Fully “scooped” mids (mid cut)
POSITION 2: Traditional passive tone setting
POSITION 3: Basically flat
POSITION 4: Boosted high end
POSITION 5: Basically flat with low end roll off – for loud playing without “muddiness”
8.BASS: This is the primary low frequency control which allows 12dB of cut or boost at 50Hz. The low frequency out- put is flat at the center position.
9.ULTRA MID: This is the primary midrange control which allows 7dB of cut at 400Hz or boost at 800Hz. The midrange output is flat at the center position.
10.TREBLE: This is the primary high frequency control which allows 18dB of cut or boost at 5kHz. The high fre- quency output is flat at the center position.
11.EFFECTS MIX: This control varies the mix between the direct (dry) signal and the effects (wet) when the effects loop (#39,40) is used. Full counterclockwise results in all direct signal (no effect) and full clockwise gives all effect and no direct signal. The clockwise position is equivalent to a series effects loop and should be used with such devices as limiters and equalizers.