Sennheiser manual MKH 416 P48 U, MKH 416 P48, Description abregee, Montage haute frequence

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Shock Mount MZS 415

The shoek mount ean be eonneeted to all tripods, booms, ete. with

3/8" threads and prevents reeordings being disturbed by footfall for other strong meehanieal disturbanees. Diameter 35 mm, Length 80 mm.

Desk Stand MZT 100

This sturdy and stable desk stand with its highly effeetive sound insulation is espeeially weil suited to those reeording situations in whieh knoeks and handling noise are unavoidable e. g. open debates ete. Used in eonjunetion with the MZG 415 and the MZO 415.

Windscreen-combination MZW 426, MZS 416, MZP 816

This eombination eonsists of the robust, light windsereen basket

MZW 426, shoek mount MZS 416 and the inelinable pistol grip MZP 816. The eombination is partieularly weil suited for outdoor reporting use and features easy handling and insensitivity to wind and handling noise. The eombination mayaiso be mounted on a tripod instead of the pistol grip.

Windshield MZW 415

The foam-rubber-windshield should be drawn over the sound inlets of the mierophone when wind disturbances are evident. Largest diameter 52 mm. Length 210 mm. Reduetion of wind disturbances approx. 15 dB.

Power Supplies MZN 16 P 48 and MZN 16 P 48-U

Power supply unit for 48 V phantom powering aeeording to DIN 45596. The MZN 16 P 48 has been especially designed for the eondenser mierophones . . . P 48 whilst the MZN 16 P 48-U is intended for the eondenser mierophones . . . P 48-U. Two mierophones ean be powered simultaneously from eaeh supply unit. Dimensions: 168 x 120 x 50 mm.

Roll-off Filters MZF 15 and MZF 15-U

This filter is built into the eonneeting eable between the power supply souree and the amplifier input. The MZF 15 is intended for the

MKH . . . P 48 mierophones, whilst the MZF 15-U is designed for the MKH . . . P 48 U versions.

Frequeney reduetion at 50 Hz. . approx. 6 dB

at 25 Hz. . approx. 15 dB .

Dimensions: 22 0 x 152 mm.

Connecting Cable KA 1 and KA 7

Tripie eonductor shielded cable fitted with 3-pin standard plug according to DIN41524 and 3-pin standard socket.

Length of cable KA 1: 1.5 m. Length of cable KA 7: 7.5 m.

Connecting Cable KA 7-U

The cable is fitted at one end with a eannon coupling and at the other with a cannon plug conneetor. It is suitable for (e. g.) conneeting the

MKH 106 P 48 U to the power supply unit MZN 16 P 48-U. Cable length: 7.5 m.

Connecting Cable KA 7 UN

Suitable for all Senn heiser mierophones equipped with XLR-connectors (Cannon). The cable is fitted with a 3-pin XLR-connector on one end and a 3-pin serewable standard plug (e. g. T 3260001) on the other end. Length of cable: 7.5 m.



MKH 416 P48 U, MKH 416 P48

Description abregee

Le M KH 416 P 48 U et sa variante MKH 416 P 48 sont des mierophones direetionnels de studio a taux de direetivite elevee, utilises en partieulier par les ehalnes de film et television et aussi pour des prises de son a I'exterieurLe. montageHF tres eprouvede Sennheisereleetroniea ete ehoisi pour les micros. Tous les mieros avee la designation P 48 sont prevus pour une alimentation a eireuit fantöme de 48 V selon DIN 45596. Comme le miero ne possede pas de transformateur, il est insensible aux ehamps magnetiques parasitaires.

Le MKH 416 P 48 est une eombinaison d'uncapteur a gradient de pres- sion et d'uneapteur d'interferenees. La direetivite est super-eardioide pour les basses et moyennes frequenees et prend laforme d'unlobe pour les hautes frequenees. Graee a ce principe, la sensibilite aux effets du vent et auxeffets «pop» est insignifiante. Le MKH 416 P 48 peut done etre utilise pour les solistes et les reportages, sans bon nette de proximite. Pour les prises de son a I'exterieur, nous conseilions eependant d'utiliser une bon nette anti-vent supplementaire.

La reponse en frequenee du mierophone est eonc;:uede fac;:ona presenter une legere aeeentuation pour les hautes frequenees. Comme I'effetde proximite est tres faible pour ce miero, I'imagesonore equilibree est eon- servee meme a une tres faible distanee voix-miero.

Montage haute frequence

Contrairement au montage basse fn'juenee,la eapsule d'unmiero eleetrostatique a haute frequenee presente une faible impedance. A la place de la tension de polarisation relativement elevee, la capsule n'est soumise qu'aune faible tension inferieure a 10 volts, fournie par un oscillateur (8 MHz) a faible bruit de fond. La faible impedance du systeme mene a une haute fiabilite des microphones, particulierement au cas des prises de son a I'exterieuraux eonditions climatiques extremes.

Alimentation et branchement

Tous les micros eleetrostatiques de Sennheiser electronic avec la designation MKH . . . P 48 ou P 48 U sont alimentes par circuit fantöme selon DIN 45596. Le eourant passe par les deux conducteurs de modula- tion, le courant de retour par le blindage.

Pour le branchement de ses microphones electrostatiques, Sennheiser utilise, comme pour les microphones dynamiques, le principe d'adap- tation en tension. Cela sig nifie q ue I'impedance d'entree de I'ampl ifieateu r est beaucoup plus elevee que celle du micro de teile sorte que celui-ci marehe presque a video De ce fait, ni les variations d'impedanee du microphone, ni celles de I'amplificateur n'ontd'influenee sensible sur la

,courbe de reponse. L'impedanee de source des microphones electro- statiques Sennheiser a alimentation fantöme est tres faible, environ 10 Q a 1000 Hz. La seule exigence posee a I'amplificateur est d'avoirune impedanee d'entree d'aumoins 200 Q.

Si toutefois, votre amplificateur presente une impedance inferieure, il faut ehoisir une resistance additionnelle convenant pourque le micro «voie» au moins 200 Q. La division de tension qui en resulte doit evidemment etre prise en consideration. La meme methode est employee si on a besoin d'une impedanee miero plus elevee. Dans ce cas aussi, une resistanee additionnelle mene a une adaptation eorrecte.

Les micros electrostatiques Sennheiser donnent des tensions de sortie relativement elevees, superieures a 1 V pour des pressions acoustiques maximales. L'avantageen est que, me me pour des cables longs, les tensions parasitaires n'ontaucune influence.


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Contents Page MZF 15, MZF 15 U Zubehör Accessories AccessoiresMZW 426 Art-Nr2072 Speisung und Anschluß Prinzipder HochfrequenzschaltungKurzbeschreibung 10dBI Anschluß an symmetrische VerstärkerAnschluß an unsymmetrische Verstärker Anschluß an Verstärker mit SpeisemöglichkeitPrinciple of high frequency circuit Powering and connectionMKH 416 P 48 U, MKH 416 P General descriptionConnection to amplifiers with unbalanced inputs Connection to amplifiers with powering tacilitiesAccessories tor MKH 416 P Connection to amplifiers with balanced inputsAlimentation et branchement MKH 416 P48 U, MKH 416 P48Description abregee Montage haute frequence10dB Bloc dalimentation secteur MZN 16 P 48 et MZN 16 P 48 U Combinaison anti-vent MZW 426, MZS 416, MZPBonneUe anti-vent MZW Pled court de table MZT

MKH 416 specifications

The Sennheiser MKH 416 is a highly regarded shotgun microphone known for its exceptional sound quality and ruggedness, making it a popular choice among audio professionals in the film, television, and broadcasting industries. This microphone is designed to capture audio with precision, even in challenging environments, and its compact size enhances portability, perfect for on-location recording.

One of the main features of the MKH 416 is its supercardioid pickup pattern. This directional characteristic allows the microphone to focus on sound sources directly in front of it while minimizing ambient noise from the sides and rear. This makes it particularly effective for capturing dialogue in noisy environments or when recording in close proximity to the subject.

The MKH 416 utilizes a unique RF (radio frequency) technology, which offers an extended frequency response and low self-noise. This technology ensures that the microphone can deliver clear and detailed audio recordings. The frequency response ranges from 40 Hz to 20 kHz, allowing it to capture both low and high-end frequencies accurately. This wide frequency range is essential for achieving a natural and immersive sound.

Another standout characteristic of the MKH 416 is its ability to handle high sound pressure levels without distortion. This makes it suitable for use in various applications, from capturing soft spoken dialogue to loud sound effects, all while maintaining audio integrity. The microphone also has a high sensitivity rating, ensuring that even quieter sounds are picked up with clarity.

Durability is a key aspect of the MKH 416’s design. Constructed with high-quality materials, it is built to withstand the rigors of field recording, ensuring reliable performance in various weather conditions. Its low weight, combined with a rugged build, makes it an ideal choice for boom operators and handheld applications.

The Sennheiser MKH 416 also features a shock mount and windscreen options, further enhancing its versatility. Overall, the MKH 416 is a go-to microphone for professionals seeking a balance of quality, durability, and performance, making it an essential tool in the world of audio production. With its advanced technologies, robust features, and exceptional sound quality, the MKH 416 has earned its status as a staple in the audio recording community.