Positionthe microphone so that the side markedªShureºÐthesideopposite the switchesÐfaces the sound source.
TheKSM32requiresphantompower. Optimalperformancewillbeachieved when using a 48 Vdc supply
The ShureLock swivel mount and elastic shock mount provide a secure means of fastening the microphone to a floor or boom stand. When using the swivel mount, the internal shock mount provides good isolation. For greater reduction of noise from external vibrations, use the elastic shock mount.
It is important when mounting the microphone that the threaded, knurled locking grip on the shock mount or swivel mount is screwed securely onto the threads at the base of the microphone. Do not overtighten.
Integral Pop Filter
The KSM32 has an integral pop filter which provides excellent protection against most wind and breath noise. An external pop protection screen may be necessary when
Flat response. Use this setting for any application where you desire the most natural reproduction of the source. The microphone will reproduce
English ± 3