26( ) Connect one end of the
27( ) Connect one end of the
28( ) Connect one end of the
29( ) Connect one end of a 5" wire to
30( ) The silicon rectifier diodes supplied with the kit may be of any of the three types shown in the illustration; although differing in external appearance, the three types are elettrically equivalent.
Connect the CATHODE lead of one of the rectifier diodes to lug #1 (curved line symbol) of the filter capacitor. Connect the ANODE lead to lug #2 of the
(S). IMPORTANT: Arrange the diode leads exactly as shown in the pictorial diagram. When soldering,
hold a pliers on the lead between the diode body and the solder connection to avoid application of excessive heat to the diode.
31( ) Connect the CATHODE lead of the other rectifier diode to lug #1 (curved line symbol) of the filter capacitor (S). Connect the other lead to lug #1 of the
32( ) Connect one end of a 4" wire to lug C of the RIGHT
33( ) Connect end of a 9" wire to lug C of the LEFT
34( ) Connect one end of a 4" wire to lug '#3 (triangle symbol) of the filter capacitor. Connect the other end to eyelet #7 of the RIGHT circuit board (S).
NOTE : Before making a connection to an aye- let on the circuit board, tin the end of the wire by heating it with the soldering iron and touch- ing solder to it. The wire end is tinned when the solder melts and runs onto the wire. The eyelets on the board already have solder in them. To solder to the eyelet, heat it with the soldering iron and insert the end of the wire when the solder in the eyelet flows. Remove the iron and hold the wire in place until the solder hardens.
35( ) Connect one end of a 5" wire to lug #4 (no symbol) of the filter capacitor. Connect the other end to pin #3 of
36( ) Prepare a 1¾" piece of wire by stripping ½" of insu- lation from one end, and ¼" from the other end.
Push the longer bare end through pin #3 of
37( ) Connect one end of a 4½" wire one to eyelet #4 of the RIGHT circuit board (S). Connect the other end to eyelet #10 (S).
38( ) Twist together a 2½" and a 4" wire so that one pair of end is even. Connect the matching end to pins #4 and #5 of
39( ) Twist together a pair of 2½" wires. Connect one pair of ends to pin #4 (S) and pin #5 (S) of
40( ) Connect one end of a 7" wire to lug 16 of the RIGHT
41( ) Connect one end of a 1¼" wire to pin #9 of
42( ) Connect one end of a 1" bare wire to pin #2 of
43( ) Connect one end of a 1" bare wire to pin #2 of
44 ( ) Connect one end of a 1" wire to the long lug of the RIGHT input socket (S). Connect the other end to eyelet #1 (S).
45( ) Connect one end of a 1½" wire to the short lug of the RIGHT input socket (S). Connect the other end to eyelet #2 (S).
46( ) The next group of steps are performed on the LEFT circuit board. Connect one end of a 12" wire to lug #3 (triangle symbol) of the filter capacitor (S). Connect the other end to eyelet #7 of the LEFT circuit board (S).
47( ) Connect one end of a 10" wire to lug #4 (no sym- bol) of the filter capacitor (S). Connect the other end to pin #3 of
48( ) Strip ½" insulation from one end of a 1¾" piece of wire; strip about ¼" from the other end. Push the longer bare end through pin #3 of
49( ) Connect one end of a 4½" wire to eyelet #4 of the LEFT circuit board (S). Connect the other end to eyelet #10 (S).
50( ) Twist together a 2½" and a 4", so that one pair of ends is even. Connect the matching ends to pins #4 and #5 of
51 ( ) Twist a pair of 2½" wires together. Connect one pair of ends to pin #4 (S) and pin #5 (S) of
52( ) Connect one end of 5" wire to lug 16 of the LEFT