The X6 features a comprehensive,
CHANNEL EFFECTS – You can apply these effects to CH1, CH2, or MASTER by selecting the appropriate option with the ASSIGN switch.
2XCOPY * – A copy of the signal is delayed by a defined time. DJs will often keep 2 copies of a record for juggling tricks like this. Try using this effect with beat sync enabled and move the INTENSITY / MIX fader up and down to the tempo. Now use the RATE/FREQUENCY knob to try different multiples of the tempo.
TAPE ECHO * – A much
ECHO – Regular echo effect. The configuration of this echo is a little different. This time, the INTENSITY/MIX fader controls the output of echo. When the fader is up, it will echo. Push the fader further, and it will feedback heavily, just like the tape echo. When the fader is at the bottom, the echo effect is cut out completely. This effect is very useful for juggling beats and emphasizing musical phrases.
FLANGER * – Sweeping flanger effect. In beat sync mode, the RATE/FREQUENCY controls the sweep rate as a multiple of the tempo. When beat synch is disabled, the RATE/FREQUENCY will continuously control the sweep rate. The INTENSITY/MIX controls the intensity of the flange effect.
PHASER * – Sweeping phase shifter effect. It is similar to the flanger effect, except that a flanger has a more pronounced harmonic sound, reminiscent of a jet engine passing overhead. A phase shifter is enharmonic, and has a “swooshing” sound. In beat sync mode, the RATE/FREQUENCY controls the sweep rate as a multiple of the tempo. When beat sync is disabled, the RATE/FREQUENCY will continuously control the sweep rate. The INTENSITY/MIX controls the intensity of the phase shifter effect.
VOCODER – A square wave vocoder, reminiscent of the robot voice sounds from the early days of electronic music. RATE/FREQUENCY controls the pitch of the voice.
TAPE ECHO * – See description under CHANNEL EFFECTS.
ECHO – See description under CHANNEL EFFECTS.
REVERB 1 – Simulates hall reverberation. RATE/FREQUENCY controls the decay (size of room). INTENSITY/MIX controls the wet/dry mix.
REVERB 2 – Samples the audio and plays it in reverse while adding reverb. This is a very cool effect if you stab into the effect then immediately cut the sound using the channel VOLUME fader.
(*) When beat sync has been enabled by tapping the TAP button to the beat, effects denoted with an asterisk (*) will have rates or times which are related to the tempo. Use the RATE/FREQUENCY knob to adjust the multiple of the tempo (1x, 2x, 4x, etc). To disable beat sync and have continuous control over rate/frequency, press and hold the TAP button until it remains lit continuously.