2.4Gain Gain
When compressing a signal, Gain reduction usually results in an overall reduction of level. The Gain control allows you to restore the loss in level which occurs due to the amount of compression used. (like readjusting the volume.)
2.5Bypass & Link Bypass
Activating the Bypass effectively removes all processing being performed by your
When the Link button is engaged (pushed in) the LED labeled LINK becomes active indicating this channel has become the slave of the channel to its immediate left (The Link LED is only active when the signal is present in the Linked channel). All of the controls for the Linked channel become disabled and metering occurs by way of the Gain reduction meter of the channel to the left (Exception: the LED meter of the Slaved channel is still useful to indicate the presence or lack of signal). Essentially, the left channel is still the Master and the channel with the Link button pushed in is the Slave channel in
astereo linked pair. If multiple Link buttons are pushed in, then the channel farthest to the left of the multiple Linked channels (without its link button pushed in) becomes the Master for the multiple Linked channels. In this case, all metering should be referred to the Master channel’s meter.
IMPORTANT: When a channel is Linked (link button pushed in), all of it’s controls are inactive. The Link LED is active. Also, even though the meters on the Linked channel are still operational