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The DM1285 Sampler uses dynamic RAM with a
1.The Mode Pushbuttons switch from effect to effect. The accompanying LEDs illuminate to show you which specific mode you are in at any time.
Modes are:
•R e p e a t sets the unit to play back a sample and automatically repeat (loop) when it gets to the end of the sample.
•Single sets the unit to play back a sample once.
•Edit sets the unit to sample edit. This activates the Intro and Outro editing controls as described in #2. Edit can be used at the same time as Single and R e p e a t so that editing of the sample can be done while your program output is playing on the dance floor.
•Write sets the unit to sampler record ready. After selecting a bank, hit the Start/Stop button (#6) to begin recording (it is safer to actually choose your bank before going to write mode so that you don't accidentally wipe out an existing sample). The LED will stay lit while you are in Write mode. After you are done writing your sample, you should select a play mode (either Single or Loop) and listen to your sample - note that you must do this manually by hitting the correct Mode Pushbutton.
a - Press the Write button once to go into stand by mode. The Red LED will go on.
b - Select the bank (or multiple banks) into which you want to record. Any bank can be selected. Each bank contains 3 seconds of recording time. If you want to record a longer sample, select multiple banks (they must be adjoining). To playback a
e - Hit the
f - Hit
2.Intro and Outro editing controls are used when Edit mode is selected to
R e p e a t playback modes. Turn the controls inward to trim more - return them to their full outside position to return to your full sample. Once trimmed, turn Edit off to
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