Recording Using the Microphone/Line Input
To check the input level from the microphone or Line Input:
1.If you are using a mic and have connected the Alpha Studio™ to studio monitors, turn them down or off to avoid feedback.
2.If you want to hear the audio source in headphones, turn up the Alpha Studio Output Level knob and turn the Monitor Mix knob
Input Louder | Playback Louder |
Playback Softer | Input Softer |
| Monitor Mix | Monitor Button |
3.Speak or sing into the microphone or play the line level source while gradually increasing the gain by turning up the Line 1/Inst or Line 2/Mic knob until you see the Peak LED light next to the Line 1/Inst or Line 2/MIc knob only flash occasionally.
To start recording:
1. Click the Record button on Cubase® LE’s Transport control.
Record Button
2.Speak or play an instrument into the microphone or line input.
3.When you are finished recording press the Stop button.
Stop Button
4.Press Rewind and press the Play button to listen to the track you have just recorded.