Exchanging a ReX Fader Unit
The ReX (Rapid Exchange) fader system has been designed to allow users to quickly exchange faders. By following and adhering to the following directions and advice you will be able to safely and easily exchange ReX type faders. In the event that the ReX unit itself or the ReX exchange system is damaged in anyway do not operate this mixer before consulting your local Vestax service center.
Leaving the mixer unit with the top panel open and any fader cables unconnected could result in some damage. For this reason it is best to have all replacement faders ready for installation so as to avoid any unnecessary damage or delay.
mounting unit, once release pull the fader upwards carefully.
tRemove the cable connector from the fader unit carefully.
yExchange the fader unit making sure to reconnect the cable connector unit correctly.
uClick the ReX fader unit back in place. Check that the unit is secure by gently pushing on the fader unit.
iLower the Battle Panel as illustrated taking care to realign the fader slots and fader forks properly. This panel will not close if realigned incorrectly.
oCheck to ensure that the panel is correctly in place and then replace all knobs. You have now successfully exchanged your ReX fader unit.
q Remove all knobs from the Battle Panel as illustrated.
wRelease the top panel as illustrated.
fig c
eCaution should be exercised when opening the top panel so as to avoid any unnecessary damage to the panel unit or release system.
r A ReX fader is easily removed by simply applying simultaneous pressure to the clips located at either end of the Fader
fig a
fig d
fig b
fig e