Connecting the X2
Interfacing the Inserts
Inserts are used to connect signal processing devices directly into the signal path of a Channel. Normally, the device connected would be one that shapes the dynamics or tone of a signal (such as a compressor, gate, or EQ), rather than an effects device (such as a reverb). It is also possible to insert one of these devices into the signal path of any of the GROUP OUTS or the MASTER OUTS, since they also have INSERT jacks available. This is desirable when either a group of instruments, or the entire mix, is to be processed. Connecting an outboard processor by way of an INSERT requires a TRS plug to operate correctly.
All INSERT jacks on the X2 are TRS jacks containing both an output (send) and an input (return). Refer to the wiring diagram on page 19. The tip of the plug is the Send and will be connected to the Input of the effects device or processor, and the ring of the plug is the Return and will be connected to the Output of the effects device or processor.
Interfacing with a MIDI Sequencer
The MIDI IN, OUT and THRU connectors on the X2 are provided for interfacing the Dynamic Mute Automation system with a MIDI sequencer or other MIDI devices. If you are using such a device, you can connect it to the X2 as follows.
To interface a MIDI sequencer with the X2:
1Connect a MIDI cable between the MIDI OUT of the sequencer or other MIDI device, and the MIDI IN of the X2.
2Connect another MIDI cable between the MIDI OUT of the X2 to the MIDI IN of the sequencer or other MIDI device.
This step is not necessary if you do not plan on recording mute events into the sequencer.
3If the MIDI device has an “echo” or “thru” function, be sure that it is turned off. Otherwise, this will lead to a MIDI loop which can confuse the system, but not do any permanent damage.
4If desired, connect another MIDI cable between the MIDI THRU of the X2 and the MIDI IN of an additional MIDI device, such as an effects device, that you wish to control from the main MIDI device you have connected to the X2’ MIDI IN and OUT connectors.
5Assign the Mute Automation synchronization source to either MIDI Clock or MIDI Time Code, as described on page 49.
This must be done in order for the Mute Automation to enable the MIDI ports, allowing the X2 to communicate with an external MIDI sequencer, and other MIDI devices.
Note: If you are using ADAT sync, MIDI connections are not necessary unless you need to store MIDI System Exclusive files from the X2 for storage purposes.
36 | X2 Reference Manual |