Recorder functions
Fast Forward, Rewind, and Reset
•To fast forward (jump to a measure later in the song), press [®®].
•To rewind (return to a measure that lies before the current position), press [√√]. The measure indication in the upper right corner of the display will help you locate the measure you need.
•Press [√] (Reset) to jump back to the first measure of the song. You need to stop
playback before using the [√] button.
Note: In certain cases, [®®] and [√√] may not be available. This is only the case for very large songs, however.
Loop playback (Repeat)
Another clever feature of the
(1)Press [MARKER
You can also program loops on the fly. Remember, however, that the Recorder always memorizes the beginning (down- beat) of the next measure.
(3)To play back the loop you have just pro- grammed, first press [SYNC START] and then [START/STOP].
At the end of the B measure, the Recorder immediately jumps back to the beginning of measure A.
(2)Fast forward to the measure where you want the loop to end and press [MARKER
Note: In certain cases, the Marker function may not be available. This only happens with very large songs, however.
Live performance with song backing (Minus One)
(1)Press the [SONG] button.
You can now select a Song on disk, if you like (see p. 41).
(2)Press the [MINUS ONE] button.
(3)Press [√] and [®/■] to start playback.
(4)You will now hear all parts except the melody, which can be played using the
Upper 1 part.
Note: An even more powerful function is available via the SESSION PAD buttons. It allows you to mute several tracks (Minus One only mutes the melody).
Muting tracks using the SESSION PARTNER buttons
If you like, you can also mute other Song parts, which is similar to the Minus One function:
Buttons assigned to tracks that contain data light. As you will notice, there are “only” 8 track buttons in the SESSION PART- NER section. Use the [TRACK] button to the right to select either track group 1~8 (upper row) or 9~16 (lower row).
Press the [1/9]~[8/16] buttons of tracks you do not want to hear (the corresponding indicators go dark).