Your Radio Shack Karaoke Cassette Recorder System lets you be the “star” as you sing along with your fa- vorite recordings and hear your voice through the speaker along with the music. You can sing along with regu- lar cassette tapes or use special karaoke cassette tapes (such as the supplied tape) that let you select the prerecorded singer’s voice, your voice, and the music tracks.
The system’s compact design and convenient carrying handle let you take it almost anywhere. You can also connect another audio source (such as a stereo VCR or a CD play- er) to the system and sing along. If you connect a stereo VCR, you can play karaoke video cassettes that let you sing along with music videos that show the lyrics on a TV.
Note: Additional karaoke audio cas- settes, as well as karaoke video cas- settes, are available through Radio Shack Unlimited. Contact your local Radio Shack store for ordering infor- mation.
This system’s features include:
Supplied Karaoke Audio Tape — lets you sing along with the music.
Auxiliary Input Jack— lets you con- nect another audio source such as a stereo VCR or CD player.
Supplied Microphone — lets you sing along with the music and hear your voice through the speaker.
Dual Microphone Jacks— let you use two microphones simultaneously to sing duets or for lead and back- ground vocals.
Separate Microphone Volume Controls — let you adjust the volume of your duet partner/background singer separately or use the system as a
Recording— lets you record your voice as you sing along with an exter- nal audio source connected to the system.
Tape Channel Switch — when you use a karaoke cassette tape, you can choose to sing along with only the music, only the prerecorded voice, or both.
Vocal Changer Switch— tempo- rarily mutes the prerecorded singer’s voice when you use a karaoke tape and sing into the microphone.
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