Erasing a Cassette Tape
To erase a previously recorded sec- tion of a tape, simply record over it. To erase the entire cassette tape, let the tape record silence to the end with all controls set to their minimum settings and the microphone(s) turned off.
You can quickly erase both sides of a cassette tape using a bulk tape eras- er (Cat. No.
Preventing Accidental Erasure
Cassette tapes have two
If you want to record on a tape side after you have removed the erase- protection tab, place a piece of strong plastic tape over that side’s
Note: Removing the
Restoring Tape Tension and Sound Quality
After you play a cassette tape sever- al times, the tape might become tightly wound on the reels. This can cause playback sound quality to de- teriorate.
To restore the sound quality,
Caution: Be careful not to damage the cassette when tapping it. Do not touch the exposed tape or allow any sharp objects near the cassette.