12. Link switch
Press this switch in to link the two channels together for use with stereo sources. When linked, compression will be applied equally to both channels whenever either channel exceeds the compressorÕs sensitivity threshold, preserving the stereo imaging.
13. Output level fader
This adjusts the output level.
When the fader is at the 0 dB position, the meter level will match the output level.
14. Sampling frequency select switch
This switch selects the sampling frequency of the S/P DIF output. You can choose from 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, and 96 kHz.
15. S/P DIF output (optical, coaxial)
An optical jack and a coaxial jack (IEC 60958, EIAJ
Connect the digital output to the digital input jack of your other equipment.
16. Analog output jack (XLR)
This is a balanced output jack using an XLR connector.
17. Analog output jack (TRS)
This is a balance output jack using a TRS phone jack.
18. Power switch
This is the power switch. Press it in to turn the power on. Pressing it again will turn the power off and return the switch to the out position.
19. AC9V connector
Connect the included AC/AC power supply here.
2. Operation
2-1. Connections
First connect the AC/AC power supply to the
Start by connecting your external equipment.
Connect the AC/AC power supply. If you will be using the digital output, set the sampling frequency select switch to the correct frequency for your other gear, and then turn on the power.
Before turning on the power, set the output level faders to Ð so that sudden loud noise does not occur.
| to the |
to digital | to a mixer | AC outlet |
input devices |
| |
or HDR |
| |
2-2. Adjusting the input level
When youÕve finished making your connections, watch the TP- 2Õs level meter while you use the gain trim knob to adjust the level. Set the trim knob so that the level meter needle does not exceed 0 dB when the loudest sound is input.
If the level meter goes beyond 0 dB even when the gain trim knob is turned all the way toward the left, press the PAD switch and then use the gain trim knob to adjust the level.
Normally if the needle goes beyond 0 dB, digital clipping has oc- curred, causing distortion. You should set the level so that it does not exceed 0 dB.
2-3. Using the compressor
Turn the compressor sensitivity knob all the way to the left so that the compressor is not being applied.
Use the gain trim knob to raise the level so that the meter slightly exceeds 0 dB during the loudest input passages. Slowly turn the compressor sensitivity knob toward the right. The gain reduction LED will begin to light, indicating that the compressor is being applied.
While watching the level meter, continue turning the compressor sensitivity knob until the level does not exceed 0 dB during the loudest input passages.
If you want to apply a lot of compression to intentionally ÒsquashÓ a vocal, use the gain trim knob to raise the input level further, and turn the compressor sensitivity knob toward the right to increase the compression.
By using the gain trim knob to raise the preamp level appropriately, you can saturate the vacuum tube, generating analog overtones to enrich the sound in conjunction with the compressor.
2-4. Using the link switch
Turn on the link switch if you want to use stereo compression. When youÕre recording a stereo source, and the level of one channel rises to the point where compression is being applied to only that one channel, then the relative volume of the other channel will increase, producing the impression that the stereo image has shifted to one side. In such cases, turning on the link switch will automatically apply compression to both channels at the same time, whenever either channel reaches the compressorÕs threshold level.
So that the compressors for both channels will function in the same way, select the same compressor mode setting for both channels (either Fast or Slow). You should also set the compres- sor sensitivity knob to about the same setting for both channels.
3. A note about the vacuum tubes
This device contains vacuum tubes. We recommend that you allow the tubes to warm up for about ten minutes after you turn on the power, before you begin running any audio signals through the
If you begin using this device immediately after turning on the power, this may cause malfunctions and/or shorten the life of the vacuum tubes.
In order to maximize reliability, avoid placing this device above or below
Do not attempt to remove, replace or change the tubes in the
Vacuum tubes generate heat. Do not allow your skin to contact the vacuum tube cover for an extended period of time. Doing so can cause