Wolf Appliance Company ICBIG15/S installation instructions CO NT ACT INF ORM ATI on

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WOLF® is a registered trademark of Wolf Appliance, Inc.

As you follow these instructions, you will notice WARNING and CAUTION symbols. This blocked information is important for the safe and efficient installation of Wolf equip- ment. There are two types of potential hazards that may occur during installation.

signals a situation where minor injury or product damage may occur if you do not follow instructions.

states a hazard that may cause serious injury or death if precautions are not followed.

Another footnote we would like to identify is IMPORTANT NOTE: This highlights information that is especially relevant to a problem-free installation.

Image 4
Contents Grill Modu LE Page EN GL is H PÃ no L FR AN ÇA I S IT AL IA N O CO NT ACT INF ORM ATI on WOL F GRI LL Module INS TA Llatio N RE QU Irements Be Fore YOU ST AR TModel Number ICBIG15/SLF Grill Module SI TE P RE ParationLO C AT IO N in C OU NT ER to P ER HE AD C AB I NE T D I M E N S I O NSINS TA Llatio N I NS TR Uctions INS TA Llatio N S PE CI FI CationsLF Grill Module MUL Tiple CO Oktop Insta L LA TI O N Important Note Review specificWOL F GRI LL Module Elec Tric AL Requ Irements Required Power SupplyMaximum Connected Load MO DUL E in STA Llat ION ST ALL Ation I NS TR Ucti O N SBe Fore O P ER ATI NG WOL F GRI LL Module MO DU LE RE MOV AL Trouble SH OO TI NGIf YO U N E E D Service ST ALL Ation I NS TR Ucti O N S Onta CT NFO RMA TIO NFO RM ACI ÓN DE C O N TAC to PrecauciónReferencia del modelo Número de serieÓD ULO D E Parrilla Wolf REQ Uisitos DE InstalaciónCO LO C ACI Ó N EN L a EN CI ME RA Módu LO DE Parri LLA Wolf PR EP Araci Ó N DE L SitioMED Idas DE L OS AR MAR IOS Super IOR ES Stal Ació N DI ME NS IO NE S DE L MO D E L O IC BI G1 5 / S743 mm ÓD ULO D E Parrilla RE QU is IT OS ELÉ Ctri CO SAlimentación eléctrica requerida Carga máxima conectada 2,8 kWTira de espuma ÓD ULO D E Parrilla Wolf Extr Acció N SO LU CI ÓN D E Problema SDEL Módulo FO RM ACI ÓN DE C O N TAC to INF ORM ATI on DE CO N TAC T Site Internet wolfappliance.comRemarque Importante L’installation ’I NST a Llat I onNuméro de modèle Numéro de sérieEM PL AC E M E N T DA NS L E PL a N GRI L W OLF PR EPA Ration D E L’EMPLAC ENTDI ME NS IO NS D ES AR M O IR ES SUP E RI EU R E S NST RUC TIO NS ’INS TA L Lati onSpec Ificat Ions DI ME NS IO NS DU M OD EL ERemarque Importante Consultez les Alimentation électrique requise Gril W O LF Conf IGU RA Tion EL EctriqueCharge maximum connectée Bande de mousse Supports d’installation Gril W O LF Etra I T DU ModuleDepistage D ES PA NN ES Remarque Importante Si le grilNS TR UCT ION S ’ in Stalla TI onNFO RMA TIO N CO NT ACT SE RV ICE APRES-VEN TEFO RM AZ I O NI PE R I CO NT AT T Numero del modello Numero di matricolaIA N O GRI LL W OLF REQ Uisit I PER ’I Nstallaz I O N E Prima D I in IZ IA REPosi ZI O NE S U L P IA no D I LA V or O Pian GRI LL W OLF Prepa RA ZIO NE DEL SI toDI ME NS IO NI D E L PE NS IL E Is Truzion I PER ’ I N Stal Lazi ONESpec if IC HE PER ’I N Stal Lazio NEInsta LLA ZIO NE CON PI Ù Piani Pian O GRI LL W OLFCO TT UR a IA N O GRI LL W OLF REQ Uisit I EL Ettr ICIAlimentazione elettrica richiesta Carico massimo connessoNS TA L LA ZI ONE DEL Piano Struz Ioni PER L’I NstallazionePrima DE LL ’U SO Soluz ION E D E I P RO BL E M IA N O GRI LL W OLF MO ZI ONENota Importante Se il piano grill NF O R M a ZI O NI P ER I CO NTA TT Wolf APP Lianc E, INC
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