Agilent Technologies 6000 Series Newer version of this manual may be available at

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Manual Part Number



Eighth Edition, January 2008

Printed in Malaysia

Agilent Technologies, Inc.

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This guide was written for version 05.00 of the Agilent InfiniiVision 6000 Series Oscillo- scope software.

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6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide

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Contents Agilent InfiniiVision Series Oscilloscopes Newer version of this manual may be available at Agilent Technologies, IncThis User’s Guide… Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide GSa/s Secure Environment Mode Option100 MHz 300 MHz 500 MHz GHz Oscilloscope History ActionMaximum Memory Depth Mpts Upgrade OptionsMemory Depth Option Numbers Licensed Option OrderOrder-Only Options Digital Channels Using this book with the 6000L Series oscilloscopesBuilt-in Quick Help Abbreviated instructions for pressing a series of keysContents Maximum input voltage for analog inputs To perform service functions Using the analog channelsTo set up the screen saver To restore the oscilloscope to its default configurationTo switch a single channel on or off To switch all digital channels on or offTo switch groups of channels on or off Interpreting the digital waveform displayAdjust the trigger level Setting Up the Oscilloscope and the VPT1000Define the optional Reset on stage Hex Bus Pattern TriggeringFFT Measurement To use TV triggeringSource frequency/8 FFT OperationSelecting the Acquisition mode Using the XGA video outputVarying the intensity to view signal detail Peak Detect ModeTo decode UART/RS232 data To decode I 2 C dataTo decode LIN data UART/RS232 TotalizerTo save a waveform and/or setup to a USB device Waveform Trace and Oscilloscope SetupChoosing save settings To recall waveform trace and/or oscilloscope setupIndex To calibrate the probes Using Quick HelpRemote interface Getting Started Getting Started To inspect package contents MSO models only 6000A Series OscilloscopeOscilloscope probes 6000A Series Option BAT Oscilloscope Package contents for 6000L Series oscilloscopes 6000L Series OscilloscopeAccessories available Model DescriptionActive Probes Supported on To adjust the 6000A Series handle To mount the 6000L Series oscilloscope in a rack To mount the oscilloscope in a rackTo mount the 6000A Series oscilloscope in a rack Tools required not suppliedStep If needed T E 6000L Ventilation Requirements Ventilation requirements6000A Ventilation Requirements Battery-Powered 6000A Series To power-on the oscilloscopeAC-Powered 6000 Series Operating with the Internal Battery Vrms, the oscilloscope must be grounded through its groundGround Post Ground post on rear panelReplacing the Battery Charging the BatteryOperating with the Automotive Power Adapter Cable Indicator will lightPower Cords Plug Type Cable Part NumberRemote interface Detailed Connectivity InformationTo establish a LAN connection 6000A Series To establish a LAN connection 6000L Series HostnameT E To establish a point-to-point LAN connection Stand-alone connection to a PCTo use the Web interface Controlling the oscilloscope using a Web browser Operating the oscilloscope using a Web browserT E Setting a password StepSelect the Modify Configuration button Main Menu Function Keys Identification Option Scrolling and Monitor ResolutionIdentify Function Printing the oscilloscope’s display from a web browser LAN see the Agilent Technologies USB/LAN/GPIB InterfacesMaximum input voltage in 50 Ω mode To connect the oscilloscope probesTo verify basic oscilloscope operation Press AutoScaleSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide To compensate the oscilloscope probes Perfectly compensated Over compensated Under compensatedPassive Probes To calibrate the probesPassive Probes Supported Passive Probes Quantity SupportedActive Probes Quantity Supported Active Probes SupportedBy 300 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz Bandwidth Models By 100 MHz Bandwidth Models Active Probes for All 6000 Series OscilloscopesTo view Quick Help on 6000A Series oscilloscopes Using Quick HelpTo view Quick Help on 6000L Series oscilloscopes Quick Help Languages Getting Started Front-Panel Controls Rear Panel 6000L Series Oscilloscope ControlsFront Panel Front and Rear Panel Controls and Connectors Channel Input BNC Connector Probe Compensation TerminalsInfiniiVision 6000 Series Oscilloscope Programmer’s Quick 6000A Series Oscilloscope Front-Panel Controls Conventions Graphic Symbols in Softkey MenusPress Utility & I/O & Show I/O Config Channel 6000A Series Oscilloscope Front Panel Front Panel Controls Printing Data, starting onFront-Panel Controls Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide Horizontal Sweep Speed Control Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide Trigger InputInterpreting the display Softkeys6000A Series Front-Panel Operation To adjust the waveform intensityTo adjust the display grid graticule intensity To start and stop an acquisition Single To make a single acquisitionMemory Depth/Record Length Run/Stop versus Single RunningTo pan and zoom Auto SingleChoosing Auto trigger mode or Normal trigger mode Using AutoScaleExample To set the probe attenuation factorPassive Probes Manually Setting the Probe Attenuation Factor Active ProbesVolts/div Source Using the analog channelsChannel Trigger Bandwidth Channel InvertTurning channels off Oscilloscope to the correct impedance MHz bandwidth oscilloscope is fixed at 1 MΩ . Therefore,Impedance selection is not available on these models Measurement HintsFront-Panel Controls Save/Recall&Default Setup Units Factor ProbeTo set up the Horizontal time base Main modeSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide Front-Panel Controls Zoom mode Press Menu/ZoomZoom sweep window These markers define Time/div for Delay timeBeginning and end Zoom sweep Main sweep Select main or Zoom sweepRoll mode XY mode Axis Input in XY Display Mode BlankingTo make cursor measurements To make automatic measurements Using Labels To turn the label display on or offTo assign a predefined label to a channel Label Assignment Auto-Increment Features To define a new labelLabel List Management To load a list of labels from a text file you createPress Utility→ File Explorer To print the display To reset the label library to the factory defaultDefaulting labels without erasing the default library Press Utility &Options &PreferencesSet To set the clockPress Utility&Options&Clock Set Day set Hour setTo set up the screen saver Screen Saver is disabled on 6000L modelsTo set the waveform expansion reference point About User Cal Return to Self Test Oscilloscope Status To perform service functionsUser Calibration To perform User Cal Longer cable To Trig OUT To ChannelUser Cal Status User Calibration cable for 4-channel oscilloscopeSelf Test About OscilloscopeInstalled licenses To restore the oscilloscope to its default configuration Viewing and Measuring Digital Signals Supplied with the mixed-signal oscilloscope To connect the digital probes to the circuit under testChannel Pod Ground Circuit GrabberSignal Lead Ground Lead Grabber Acquiring waveforms using the digital channels Signals GroundTo display digital channels using AutoScale ExampleSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 117 Activity indicator Interpreting the digital waveform displayTo switch a single channel on or off To switch all digital channels on or offTo switch groups of channels on or off To change the displayed size of the digital channels To reposition a digital channelLogic family Threshold Voltage To change the logic threshold for digital channelsThreshold you To change the logic threshold for digital Bus1/Bus2 Select Return to Softkey Individual Channel Base To display digital channels as a busBus softkey Channels GroupUsing cursors to read bus values BinaryBinary or Hex Bus values are displayed when using Pattern trigger 126 Triggering the Oscilloscope Triggering Features SPI USBSee Using Serial Decode on page 271 for more information To select the Mode and Coupling menu Selecting Trigger Modes and ConditionsAuto mode Trigger modes Normal and AutoNormal mode To select trigger Coupling To select trigger Noise Rejection and HF rejection200 ns 600 ns To set HoldoffHoldoff Holdoff Operating Hints Channel oscilloscope External Trigger input External Trigger Probe SettingsExternal Trigger input Functions when the oscilloscope is powered on To the oscilloscope may occur Trigger Types MegaZoom Technology Simplifies TriggeringSlope To use Edge triggeringEdge Trigger Trigger level adjustment Qualifier To use Pulse Width triggeringPolarity Trigger Polarity10 ns 10 ns 15 ns Qualifier time set softkey10 ns Trigger Trigger Channel To use Pattern triggeringPattern Selected Rising orSpecifying an Edge in a Pattern Hex Bus Pattern Triggering Bus1 or Bus2For can decode setup see To use can triggeringBits Condition Selector Signal sourceCan trigger Rate PointOne Bit NormalLevel Qualifier Qualifier time set Return to Select To use Duration triggeringDuration Selected Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 153 When the duration trigger occurs To use FlexRay triggering Modes of VPT1000 Control/OperationAccessing the VPT1000 Menu Setting Up the Oscilloscope and the VPT1000Connecting the Oscilloscope and the VPT1000 PC Controls the VPT1000Struct Sync Mode LAN AddressSpecifying the VPT1000 LAN Address Selecting the VPT1000 Control/Operating Mode Mb/s, or 10 Mb/s Restore synchronizationAsynchronous or Synchronous Mode In addition to the logic Triggering on FlexRay Frames Triggering on FlexRay Frames, Times, or ErrorsAccessing the FlexRay Trigger Menu Oscilloscope in asynchronous mode Triggering on the FlexRay Time ScheduleTriggering on FlexRay Errors All ErrorsMultiple errors exist For I2C decode setup see To use I2C triggeringClock Start Address Ack Data Frame Start Addr7 Read Ack Data or Frame Start Addr7 1st byte 2nd byte Frame Start Addr7 Read Ack Data Ack Data2 or FrameWrite Address R Ack1 Address Ack2 Data 26th clock edgeSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 169 To use Nth Edge Burst triggering Idle Time TriggerAssign Channels Edge Select Nth Edge Burst triggerEdge Sync To use LIN triggeringFor LIN decode information see FieldSignal Condition Baud rate LIN triggerSource Signal Sample Standard Menu Baud rate Point Selector BreakStart Yes Find? Trigger on? Reset on? YesTo use Sequence triggering Sequence Selected TermDefine the Find stage Edge Pattern 1 and EdgeDefine the Trigger on stage Edge Pattern 2 and Edge Nth Edge Nth Edge 2 no re-find Define the optional Reset on stage Edge 1 or Pattern 1 and Edge TimeoutAdjust the trigger level To use SPI triggering For SPI decode information seeValue Data bits Framing, or Data channelBit Set all To valueClock Data Frame by Channel Slope ConditionSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 185 186 Resetting all bits in the serial data string to one value To use TV triggeringChannel Polarity Selected Trigger ChannelSource Sync Provide Correct Matching Standard Type Sync Pulse190 Line numbers for each EDTV/HDTV video standard Example exercisesTo trigger on a specific line of video Video standard Field Alt FieldLineAlternate Alternate TriggeringTo trigger on all sync pulses Triggering on All LinesTo trigger on a specific field of the video signal Triggering on FieldTo trigger on all fields of the video signal Triggering on All FieldsTo trigger on odd or even fields Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 197 Half-field holdoff time Standard TimeTrigger softkey For UART/RS232 decode setup seeTo use UART/RS232 triggering 200 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 201 202 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 203 End of packet trigger Bus Idle USB trigger Trigger on Signal + source SourceTo use USB triggering Data sourceSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 205 Source frequency Trigger Out connectorTriggers Source frequency/8Making Measurements Post Acquisition ProcessingTo use the XY horizontal mode Example of centering a signal on the display Signal centered on the displayCursors set on displayed signal Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 211 Signals are 90 out of phase Math Functions Math Operating HintsMath function Units Math scale and offsetMath Scale and Offset are Set Automatically Multiply Multiply Channel Waveform Math Function ScaleSubtract Subtract Channel Waveform ScaleDifferentiate Channel Dt waveform Math Source Function Select Scale Integrate Integrate and Signal Offset Channel Dt waveform Channel 1 0 Scale Source SelectDC Value FFT MeasurementFFT Units AliasingAliasing Spectral Leakage Source Frequency Center Preset SpanFFT Operation Select Span Frequency CenterWindow OffsetScale and offset considerations FFT Measurement Hints FFT measurementsSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 229 Square Root Channel √ waveform Scale √ Source SelectCursor Measurements Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 233 234 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 235 Cursor Examples Cursors measure frequency of pulse ringingSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 237 Moving the cursors together to check pulse width variations Time Measurements Phase and DelayAutomatic Measurements Voltage MeasurementsPreshoot and Overshoot Settings ThresholdsTo make an automatic measurement Erase all AdditionalChanging default thresholds may change measurement results To set measurement thresholdsSource Threshold Lower Middle Upper Return to Select Type Absolute threshold hintsRise Time Time MeasurementsFFT measurements Thresholds Upper Middle Lower + WidthFrequency CounterDuty Cycle Period Isolating event for Frequency measurement+ Width Fall TimeRise Time WidthSource Delay Delay and Phase MeasurementsDelay At MinPhase Delay MeasurementPeriod Source Delay Voltage MeasurementsMinimum Math Measurements and UnitsMaximum Top Amplitude Peak-Peak Digital channel voltage measurementsBase AmplitudeAverage MaximumRMS Std Deviation∑ xi Top Isolating area for Top measurementLocal Maximum Preshoot Top Overshoot and Preshoot MeasurementsPreshoot PreshootOvershoot Overshoot Local Maximum Top Base Local MinimumDisplaying Data AntialiasingPan and Zoom ZoomTo pan and zoom a waveform To set the waveform expansion reference pointUsing the XGA video output AntialiasingDisplay Settings Infinite persistenceAccumulating multiple acquisitions Grid intensityVectors connect the dots Clearing stored infinite persistence waveformsVarying the intensity to view signal detail Using Vectors Display menuAmplitude Modulation with Noise Shown at 100% Intensity At Slower Sweep Speeds Selecting the Acquisition modeAcquisition Modes High Resolution Mode Normal ModePeak Detect Mode Agilent 6000 Series Model Numbers and Sampling RatesGSa/s Sample Rate Averaging Mode# Avgs=1 # AvgsTo use the Averaging mode Random noise on the displayed waveformRealtime Sampling Option 128 Averages used to reduce random noiseRealtime Sampling and Oscilloscope Bandwidth Using Serial Decode To decode I2C data For I 2C triggering setup seeDisplay Decode Signal Return to Mode Setup menu Decode I 2C data while LIN triggering is selectedSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 273 Interpreting Decoded I2C Data Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 275 For SPI triggering setup see To decode SPI dataSignal Clock Frame by Signal Edge Option278 Interpreting Decoded SPI Data 280 For can triggering setup see To decode can dataRate Sample Return to Signal Source Point Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 283 Interpreting Decoded can Data Active Error Frame red CRC blue Data white Data Length Code blueCounters Can TotalizerTypes of Frames Total Frame Overload Error Frame Count Frame Count PercentageFor LIN triggering setup see To decode LIN dataSync Return to Source Rate Sample Standard Break LIN trigger Decoded LIN dataBaud Point Selection290 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 291 Interpreting Decoded LIN Data Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 293 Display Decode VPT1000 Reset Return to Mode Menu Counters To decode FlexRay dataSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 295 Header CRC blue Interpreting Decoded FlexRay Frame DataTrailer Interpreting Decoded FlexRay Time Data Time-Schedule DecodeFlexRay Totalizer Counters softkeyPercent Total Frame Null FrameCount Selected For UART/RS232 triggering setup seeTo decode UART/RS232 data Signal Bus Base Value UART/RS232 trigger Define Display Framing302 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 303 Interpreting Decoded UART/RS232 Data Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 305 Count Percent UART/RS232 TotalizerTx Frame Rx Frame Press Mode/Coupling&HF Reject To reduce the random noise on a signalHF Reject DB down pointPress Mode/Coupling&Coupling&LF Reject LF RejectNoise rejection DB down point Pass BandSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 309 Using peak detect mode to find a glitch 15 ns Narrow Pulse, 20 ms/div, Peak Detect ModeSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 311 How AutoScale Works Undo AutoScalePreserving the Acquisition Mode During AutoScale Specifying the Channels Displayed After AutoScale314 Saving and Printing Data Printing the oscilloscope’s display Supported PrintersChoose Options Select Printing the oscilloscope’s displayPrint options Printer Factors Color orGraticule Not Inverted Selecting print optionsPalette Supported Printers Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 319 Type of Data Saving oscilloscope dataCan be saved to Selecting a destination for your saved data Creating a new file name Selecting a file nameOverwriting a file Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 323 Display Image and Waveform Data File Formats Waveform Trace and Oscilloscope SetupDisplay Image and Waveform Data Files Invert Graticule Colors Choosing save settingsFactors Palette Length ControlTo save a waveform and/or setup to a USB device File explorer To recall waveform trace and/or oscilloscope setupTrace, or Trace and Setup Regarding USB Ports To use the file explorer Press Utility&File ExplorerSecure Environment Mode Option Ordering the Secure Environment Mode Option Ordering the Secure Environment Mode OptionTo set up the I/O port To supply a sample clock to the oscilloscopeUtility&Service&About Oscilloscope Software and firmware updatesUtility&Options&Features&Show license information Upgrading to an MSO or adding memory depthTo set up the I/O port Supplying an external timebase reference Using the 10 MHz reference clockSample clock and frequency counter accuracy To supply a sample clock to the oscilloscopePress Utility&Options&Rear Panel&Ref Signal Reference signal locked MHz input mode selectedTo check warranty and extended services status To synchronize the timebase of two or more instrumentsTo clean the oscilloscope To return the instrumentInput Impedance Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 341 Probe Grounding Impedance versus Frequency for Both Probe Circuit ModelsVn Common Mode Probe Probe NBest Probing Practices Part Number Description Digital Probe Replacement PartsTo replace digital probe leads Binary Header Format Binary Data .binBinary Data in Matlab File HeaderWaveform Header 348 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 349 Example Program for Reading Binary Data Waveform Data HeaderExamples of Binary Files Single Acquisition Multiple Analog ChannelsSingle Acquisition All Pods Logic Channels Minimum and Maximum Values in CSV Files 1000ns ⋅ 4Gsa ⁄s = 4000samples354 Power and Environmental Conditions Power Requirements Measurement Category Definitions Measurement CategoryMeasurement Category Transient Withstand Capability With 50 Ω input 5 VrmsEnvironmental Conditions Acknowledgements SpecificationsSpecifications Asia Pacific Contact usAmericas Europe362 Index Index Series Oscilloscopes User’s Guide 365 Modify softkey, 39 MSO, 4 Series Oscilloscopes User’s Guide 367 USB
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