Agilent Technologies 6000 Series manual Total Frame Null Frame, Count, Percent

Page 299

Displaying Data



Total Frame

Null Frame

Sync Frame


Count and

Count and




The FRAMES counter gives a real-time count of all received frames.

The NULL counter gives the number and percentage of null frames.

The SYNC counter gives the number and percentage of sync frames.

6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide


Image 299
Contents Agilent InfiniiVision Series Oscilloscopes Agilent Technologies, Inc Newer version of this manual may be available atThis User’s Guide… Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide Oscilloscope History Action Secure Environment Mode Option100 MHz 300 MHz 500 MHz GHz GSa/sLicensed Option Order Upgrade OptionsMemory Depth Option Numbers Maximum Memory Depth MptsOrder-Only Options Abbreviated instructions for pressing a series of keys Using this book with the 6000L Series oscilloscopesBuilt-in Quick Help Digital ChannelsContents Maximum input voltage for analog inputs To restore the oscilloscope to its default configuration Using the analog channelsTo set up the screen saver To perform service functionsInterpreting the digital waveform display To switch all digital channels on or offTo switch groups of channels on or off To switch a single channel on or offHex Bus Pattern Triggering Setting Up the Oscilloscope and the VPT1000Define the optional Reset on stage Adjust the trigger levelFFT Operation To use TV triggeringSource frequency/8 FFT MeasurementPeak Detect Mode Using the XGA video outputVarying the intensity to view signal detail Selecting the Acquisition modeUART/RS232 Totalizer To decode I 2 C dataTo decode LIN data To decode UART/RS232 dataTo recall waveform trace and/or oscilloscope setup Waveform Trace and Oscilloscope SetupChoosing save settings To save a waveform and/or setup to a USB deviceIndex To calibrate the probes Using Quick HelpRemote interface Getting Started Getting Started To inspect package contents MSO models only 6000A Series OscilloscopeOscilloscope probes 6000A Series Option BAT Oscilloscope 6000L Series Oscilloscope Package contents for 6000L Series oscilloscopesModel Description Accessories availableActive Probes Supported on To adjust the 6000A Series handle Tools required not supplied To mount the oscilloscope in a rackTo mount the 6000A Series oscilloscope in a rack To mount the 6000L Series oscilloscope in a rackStep If needed T E 6000L Ventilation Requirements Ventilation requirements6000A Ventilation Requirements Battery-Powered 6000A Series To power-on the oscilloscopeAC-Powered 6000 Series Vrms, the oscilloscope must be grounded through its ground Operating with the Internal BatteryGround post on rear panel Ground PostIndicator will light Charging the BatteryOperating with the Automotive Power Adapter Cable Replacing the BatteryPlug Type Cable Part Number Power CordsDetailed Connectivity Information Remote interfaceTo establish a LAN connection 6000A Series Hostname To establish a LAN connection 6000L SeriesT E Stand-alone connection to a PC To establish a point-to-point LAN connectionTo use the Web interface Operating the oscilloscope using a Web browser Controlling the oscilloscope using a Web browserT E Step Setting a passwordSelect the Modify Configuration button Main Menu Function Keys Identification Option Scrolling and Monitor ResolutionIdentify Function LAN see the Agilent Technologies USB/LAN/GPIB Interfaces Printing the oscilloscope’s display from a web browserTo connect the oscilloscope probes Maximum input voltage in 50 Ω modePress AutoScale To verify basic oscilloscope operationSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide Perfectly compensated Over compensated Under compensated To compensate the oscilloscope probesPassive Probes Quantity Supported To calibrate the probesPassive Probes Supported Passive ProbesActive Probes Quantity Supported Active Probes SupportedBy 300 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz Bandwidth Models Active Probes for All 6000 Series Oscilloscopes By 100 MHz Bandwidth ModelsTo view Quick Help on 6000A Series oscilloscopes Using Quick HelpTo view Quick Help on 6000L Series oscilloscopes Quick Help Languages Getting Started Front-Panel Controls Rear Panel 6000L Series Oscilloscope ControlsFront Panel Front and Rear Panel Controls and Connectors Probe Compensation Terminals Channel Input BNC ConnectorInfiniiVision 6000 Series Oscilloscope Programmer’s Quick 6000A Series Oscilloscope Front-Panel Controls Conventions Graphic Symbols in Softkey MenusPress Utility & I/O & Show I/O Config Channel 6000A Series Oscilloscope Front Panel Printing Data, starting on Front Panel ControlsFront-Panel Controls Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide Horizontal Sweep Speed Control Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide Input TriggerSoftkeys Interpreting the display6000A Series Front-Panel Operation To adjust the waveform intensityTo adjust the display grid graticule intensity To start and stop an acquisition Running To make a single acquisitionMemory Depth/Record Length Run/Stop versus Single SingleAuto Single To pan and zoomUsing AutoScale Choosing Auto trigger mode or Normal trigger modeExample To set the probe attenuation factorPassive Probes Active Probes Manually Setting the Probe Attenuation FactorBandwidth Channel Invert Using the analog channelsChannel Trigger Volts/div SourceTurning channels off Measurement Hints MHz bandwidth oscilloscope is fixed at 1 MΩ . Therefore,Impedance selection is not available on these models Oscilloscope to the correct impedanceFront-Panel Controls Units Factor Probe Save/Recall&Default SetupMain mode To set up the Horizontal time baseSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide Front-Panel Controls Press Menu/Zoom Zoom modeSelect main or Zoom sweep These markers define Time/div for Delay timeBeginning and end Zoom sweep Main sweep Zoom sweep windowRoll mode Axis Input in XY Display Mode Blanking XY modeTo make cursor measurements To make automatic measurements To turn the label display on or off Using LabelsTo assign a predefined label to a channel To define a new label Label Assignment Auto-Increment FeaturesLabel List Management To load a list of labels from a text file you createPress Utility→ File Explorer Press Utility &Options &Preferences To reset the label library to the factory defaultDefaulting labels without erasing the default library To print the displaySet Day set Hour set To set the clockPress Utility&Options&Clock SetScreen Saver is disabled on 6000L models To set up the screen saverTo set the waveform expansion reference point About User Cal Return to Self Test Oscilloscope Status To perform service functionsUser Calibration Longer cable To Trig OUT To Channel To perform User CalUser Calibration cable for 4-channel oscilloscope User Cal StatusAbout Oscilloscope Self TestInstalled licenses To restore the oscilloscope to its default configuration Viewing and Measuring Digital Signals To connect the digital probes to the circuit under test Supplied with the mixed-signal oscilloscopeGrabber Channel Pod Ground CircuitSignal Lead Ground Lead Grabber Signals Ground Acquiring waveforms using the digital channelsExample To display digital channels using AutoScaleSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 117 Interpreting the digital waveform display Activity indicatorTo switch a single channel on or off To switch all digital channels on or offTo switch groups of channels on or off To reposition a digital channel To change the displayed size of the digital channelsLogic family Threshold Voltage To change the logic threshold for digital channelsThreshold you To change the logic threshold for digital Channels Group To display digital channels as a busBus softkey Bus1/Bus2 Select Return to Softkey Individual Channel BaseBinary Using cursors to read bus valuesBinary or Hex Bus values are displayed when using Pattern trigger 126 Triggering the Oscilloscope SPI USB Triggering FeaturesSee Using Serial Decode on page 271 for more information Selecting Trigger Modes and Conditions To select the Mode and Coupling menuTrigger modes Normal and Auto Auto modeNormal mode To select trigger Noise Rejection and HF rejection To select trigger Coupling200 ns 600 ns To set HoldoffHoldoff Holdoff Operating Hints Channel oscilloscope External Trigger input External Trigger Probe SettingsExternal Trigger input Functions when the oscilloscope is powered on To the oscilloscope may occur MegaZoom Technology Simplifies Triggering Trigger TypesSlope To use Edge triggeringEdge Trigger Trigger level adjustment Polarity To use Pulse Width triggeringPolarity Trigger Qualifier10 ns 10 ns 15 ns Qualifier time set softkey10 ns Trigger Rising or To use Pattern triggeringPattern Selected Trigger ChannelSpecifying an Edge in a Pattern Bus1 or Bus2 Hex Bus Pattern TriggeringTo use can triggering For can decode setup seeBits Condition Selector Signal sourceCan trigger Point RateNormal One BitLevel Qualifier Qualifier time set Return to Select To use Duration triggeringDuration Selected Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 153 When the duration trigger occurs Modes of VPT1000 Control/Operation To use FlexRay triggeringPC Controls the VPT1000 Setting Up the Oscilloscope and the VPT1000Connecting the Oscilloscope and the VPT1000 Accessing the VPT1000 MenuStruct Sync Mode LAN AddressSpecifying the VPT1000 LAN Address Selecting the VPT1000 Control/Operating Mode Mb/s, or 10 Mb/s Restore synchronizationAsynchronous or Synchronous Mode In addition to the logic Triggering on FlexRay Frames Triggering on FlexRay Frames, Times, or ErrorsAccessing the FlexRay Trigger Menu Triggering on the FlexRay Time Schedule Oscilloscope in asynchronous modeAll Errors Triggering on FlexRay ErrorsMultiple errors exist To use I2C triggering For I2C decode setup seeClock Start Address Ack Data Frame Start Addr7 Read Ack Data or Frame Start Addr7 26th clock edge Frame Start Addr7 Read Ack Data Ack Data2 or FrameWrite Address R Ack1 Address Ack2 Data 1st byte 2nd byteSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 169 Idle Time Trigger To use Nth Edge Burst triggeringAssign Channels Edge Select Nth Edge Burst triggerEdge Field To use LIN triggeringFor LIN decode information see SyncLIN trigger Signal Condition Baud rateMenu Baud rate Point Selector Break Source Signal Sample StandardStart Yes Find? Trigger on? Reset on? YesTo use Sequence triggering Term Sequence SelectedEdge Pattern 1 and Edge Define the Find stageDefine the Trigger on stage Edge Pattern 2 and Edge Nth Edge Nth Edge 2 no re-find Edge 1 or Pattern 1 and Edge Timeout Define the optional Reset on stageAdjust the trigger level For SPI decode information see To use SPI triggeringTo value Framing, or Data channelBit Set all Value Data bitsChannel Slope Condition Clock Data Frame bySeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 185 186 To use TV triggering Resetting all bits in the serial data string to one valueChannel Polarity Selected Trigger ChannelSource Sync Standard Type Sync Pulse Provide Correct Matching190 Video standard Field Alt Field Example exercisesTo trigger on a specific line of video Line numbers for each EDTV/HDTV video standardAlternate Triggering LineAlternateTriggering on All Lines To trigger on all sync pulsesTriggering on Field To trigger on a specific field of the video signalTriggering on All Fields To trigger on all fields of the video signalTo trigger on odd or even fields Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 197 Standard Time Half-field holdoff timeTrigger softkey For UART/RS232 decode setup seeTo use UART/RS232 triggering 200 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 201 202 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 203 Data source USB trigger Trigger on Signal + source SourceTo use USB triggering End of packet trigger Bus IdleSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 205 Source frequency/8 Trigger Out connectorTriggers Source frequencyPost Acquisition Processing Making MeasurementsTo use the XY horizontal mode Signal centered on the display Example of centering a signal on the displayCursors set on displayed signal Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 211 Signals are 90 out of phase Math Operating Hints Math FunctionsMath function Units Math scale and offsetMath Scale and Offset are Set Automatically Multiply Channel Waveform Math Function Scale MultiplySubtract Channel Waveform Scale SubtractDifferentiate Channel Dt waveform Math Source Function Select Scale Integrate Channel Dt waveform Channel 1 0 Scale Source Select Integrate and Signal OffsetAliasing FFT MeasurementFFT Units DC ValueAliasing Select Span Frequency Center Source Frequency Center Preset SpanFFT Operation Spectral LeakageOffset WindowScale and offset considerations FFT measurements FFT Measurement HintsSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 229 Square Root Source Select Channel √ waveform Scale √Cursor Measurements Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 233 234 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 235 Cursors measure frequency of pulse ringing Cursor ExamplesSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 237 Moving the cursors together to check pulse width variations Voltage Measurements Phase and DelayAutomatic Measurements Time MeasurementsErase all Additional Settings ThresholdsTo make an automatic measurement Preshoot and OvershootTo set measurement thresholds Changing default thresholds may change measurement resultsAbsolute threshold hints Source Threshold Lower Middle Upper Return to Select TypeThresholds Upper Middle Lower + Width Time MeasurementsFFT measurements Rise TimeFrequency CounterDuty Cycle Isolating event for Frequency measurement PeriodWidth Fall TimeRise Time + WidthAt Min Delay and Phase MeasurementsDelay Source DelayDelay Measurement PhaseVoltage Measurements Period Source DelayDigital channel voltage measurements Math Measurements and UnitsMaximum Top Amplitude Peak-Peak MinimumMaximum AmplitudeAverage BaseStd Deviation RMS∑ xi Isolating area for Top measurement TopPreshoot Overshoot and Preshoot MeasurementsPreshoot Local Maximum Preshoot TopOvershoot Local Maximum Top Base Local Minimum OvershootAntialiasing Displaying DataZoom Pan and ZoomTo set the waveform expansion reference point To pan and zoom a waveformAntialiasing Using the XGA video outputInfinite persistence Display SettingsClearing stored infinite persistence waveforms Grid intensityVectors connect the dots Accumulating multiple acquisitionsUsing Vectors Display menu Varying the intensity to view signal detailAmplitude Modulation with Noise Shown at 100% Intensity At Slower Sweep Speeds Selecting the Acquisition modeAcquisition Modes Agilent 6000 Series Model Numbers and Sampling Rates Normal ModePeak Detect Mode High Resolution Mode# Avgs Averaging Mode# Avgs=1 GSa/s Sample RateRandom noise on the displayed waveform To use the Averaging mode128 Averages used to reduce random noise Realtime Sampling OptionRealtime Sampling and Oscilloscope Bandwidth Using Serial Decode Decode I 2C data while LIN triggering is selected For I 2C triggering setup seeDisplay Decode Signal Return to Mode Setup menu To decode I2C dataSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 273 Interpreting Decoded I2C Data Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 275 To decode SPI data For SPI triggering setup seeSignal Edge Option Signal Clock Frame by278 Interpreting Decoded SPI Data 280 To decode can data For can triggering setup seeRate Sample Return to Signal Source Point Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 283 Interpreting Decoded can Data CRC blue Data white Data Length Code blue Active Error Frame redCounters Can TotalizerTypes of Frames Count Frame Count Percentage Total Frame Overload Error FrameTo decode LIN data For LIN triggering setup seePoint Selection LIN trigger Decoded LIN dataBaud Sync Return to Source Rate Sample Standard Break290 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 291 Interpreting Decoded LIN Data Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 293 To decode FlexRay data Display Decode VPT1000 Reset Return to Mode Menu CountersSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 295 Header CRC blue Interpreting Decoded FlexRay Frame DataTrailer Time-Schedule Decode Interpreting Decoded FlexRay Time DataCounters softkey FlexRay TotalizerPercent Total Frame Null FrameCount Selected For UART/RS232 triggering setup seeTo decode UART/RS232 data UART/RS232 trigger Define Display Framing Signal Bus Base Value302 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 303 Interpreting Decoded UART/RS232 Data Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 305 Count Percent UART/RS232 TotalizerTx Frame Rx Frame DB down point To reduce the random noise on a signalHF Reject Press Mode/Coupling&HF RejectDB down point Pass Band LF RejectNoise rejection Press Mode/Coupling&Coupling&LF RejectSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 309 15 ns Narrow Pulse, 20 ms/div, Peak Detect Mode Using peak detect mode to find a glitchSeries Oscilloscope User’s Guide 311 Undo AutoScale How AutoScale WorksSpecifying the Channels Displayed After AutoScale Preserving the Acquisition Mode During AutoScale314 Printing the oscilloscope’s display Supported Printers Saving and Printing DataPrinter Factors Color or Printing the oscilloscope’s displayPrint options Choose Options SelectGraticule Not Inverted Selecting print optionsPalette Supported Printers Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 319 Type of Data Saving oscilloscope dataCan be saved to Selecting a destination for your saved data Creating a new file name Selecting a file nameOverwriting a file Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 323 Display Image and Waveform Data File Formats Waveform Trace and Oscilloscope SetupDisplay Image and Waveform Data Files Invert Graticule Colors Choosing save settingsFactors Length Control PaletteTo save a waveform and/or setup to a USB device File explorer To recall waveform trace and/or oscilloscope setupTrace, or Trace and Setup Regarding USB Ports Press Utility&File Explorer To use the file explorerSecure Environment Mode Option Ordering the Secure Environment Mode Option Ordering the Secure Environment Mode OptionTo supply a sample clock to the oscilloscope To set up the I/O portUpgrading to an MSO or adding memory depth Software and firmware updatesUtility&Options&Features&Show license information Utility&Service&About OscilloscopeTo set up the I/O port To supply a sample clock to the oscilloscope Using the 10 MHz reference clockSample clock and frequency counter accuracy Supplying an external timebase referenceReference signal locked MHz input mode selected Press Utility&Options&Rear Panel&Ref SignalTo synchronize the timebase of two or more instruments To check warranty and extended services statusTo return the instrument To clean the oscilloscopeInput Impedance Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 341 Impedance versus Frequency for Both Probe Circuit Models Probe GroundingProbe Probe N Vn Common ModeBest Probing Practices Part Number Description Digital Probe Replacement PartsTo replace digital probe leads File Header Binary Data .binBinary Data in Matlab Binary Header FormatWaveform Header 348 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide 349 Waveform Data Header Example Program for Reading Binary DataSingle Acquisition Multiple Analog Channels Examples of Binary FilesSingle Acquisition All Pods Logic Channels 1000ns ⋅ 4Gsa ⁄s = 4000samples Minimum and Maximum Values in CSV Files354 Power and Environmental Conditions Power Requirements Measurement Category Definitions Measurement CategoryMeasurement Category With 50 Ω input 5 Vrms Transient Withstand CapabilityEnvironmental Conditions Acknowledgements SpecificationsSpecifications Europe Contact usAmericas Asia Pacific362 Index Index Series Oscilloscopes User’s Guide 365 Modify softkey, 39 MSO, 4 Series Oscilloscopes User’s Guide 367 USB
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6000 Series specifications

Agilent Technologies has long been recognized as a leader in the field of electronic measurement and test equipment, and the Agilent 6000 Series oscilloscopes exemplify this commitment to innovation and quality. Designed for both professional engineers and researchers, the 6000 Series offers a comprehensive suite of features that enhance usability, accuracy, and efficiency in various applications.

At the heart of the Agilent 6000 Series is its advanced architecture, which integrates a high-performance analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and a sophisticated digital signal processing engine. This combination enables users to capture fast, high-resolution signals with remarkable accuracy, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from automotive to telecommunications.

One of the standout features of the 6000 Series is its bandwidth options, which typically range from 100 MHz to 500 MHz. This flexibility allows users to select an oscilloscope that best fits their specific needs. Coupled with a sampling rate of up to 4 GSa/s, the 6000 Series offers exceptional timing resolution, ensuring that even the most fleeting signals are accurately represented.

The user interface of the 6000 Series is designed for maximum efficiency. The oscilloscopes are equipped with a large, high-resolution display, enabling users to view complex waveforms in detail. Furthermore, the touch screen interface provides a level of interactivity that simplifies navigation through various functions, making it accessible for both seasoned professionals and novices alike.

Additionally, the 6000 Series incorporates advanced triggering capabilities, allowing users to isolate specific events in their signals easily. The wide array of available triggering options includes edge, pulse width, and serial triggering formats, which are vital for analyzing complex digital communications.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the Agilent 6000 Series is its built-in measurement and analysis tools. The oscilloscopes come equipped with automated measurements, enabling users to quickly gather important data about their signals without manual calculations. This reduces the time spent on testing and increases overall productivity.

In terms of connectivity, the 6000 Series includes USB and LAN interfaces, providing easy data transfer and integration with other devices. The inclusion of advanced software options further enhances data analysis capabilities, enabling users to perform extensive post-acquisition analysis.

In summary, Agilent Technologies' 6000 Series oscilloscopes represent a blend of cutting-edge features, user-friendly design, and high-performance technologies, making them an invaluable tool for engineers and scientists engaged in electronic measurements and analysis. Their versatility and power make them well-suited to meet the demands of modern engineering challenges.