Omron Healthcare HEM670IT manual

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¾Place the user selection switch to User A.

¾Follow the instructions in the manual pages 23‐26 on applying the arm cuff

¾Take a measurement with your blood pressure monitor

oPress the Start/Stop button.

oThe arm cuff will start to inflate automatically taking a measurement.

oWhen the measurement is complete, blood pressure and pulse rate are displayed.

Step 2: Get ready to use your blood pressure monitor with HealthVault

¾If HealthVault Connection Center is not running on your computer, please start it and sign in to your account. Connection Center then will open to a screen showing your device(s).

¾Select the Omron Blood Pressure device picture on the left hand side of Connection Center.

¾If you do not see a picture of your device in Connection Center, select Set up a new device and follow the on‐screen instructions.

Step 3: Connect your Omron Blood Pressure Monitor to your computer and upload your reading to HealthVault

¾Press the Start/Stop button to turn the monitor off.

¾Find the USB cable that came with your blood pressure monitor.

¾Plug the small end of your USB cable into the slot on your blood pressure monitor that's marked with the USB symbol.

¾Plug the large end of your USB cable into your computer.

¾The symbol will start circling on the blood pressure monitor display when it is successfully connected to the computer. After several seconds the blood pressure display will be blank.

NOTE: If the USB cable was connected when you took the last measurement, please disconnect and connect the cable again. Also, do not unplug the USB connector until the data has finished uploading.

HealthVault Connection Center will sense when your device has been connected to your computer and will prompt you to upload your test reading.

¾Follow the on‐screen prompts.

You will see confirmation when your upload is complete. At that point you may unplug your blood pressure monitor from your computer.

To see your reading in your HealthVault account:

¾Open your Internet browser and go to (You will be asked to sign in if you haven't accessed your account in the past 20 minutes.)

¾Click your Health info tab.

Whenever you have taken new readings with your device, you can follow the steps outlined in “Step 3” of this guide to upload the readings to HealthVault and better manage your health and fitness.


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