Pride Mobility PMV5001 manual INFMANU2635

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Contents Hurricane F E T Y G U I D E L I N E S N T E N T S Canada N T R O D U C T I O NS a F E T Y Product Safety SymbolsS a F E T Y S a F E T Y Modifications Removable Parts PRE-RIDE Safety CheckGeneral Incline Information Perform the following inspections prior to using your PMVWeight Limitations Tire InflationMaximum Recommended Incline Angles Braking Information Cornering InformationCorrect Curb Approach Outdoor Driving SurfacesDoors Inclement Weather PrecautionsFreewheel Mode Stairs and EscalatorsBatteries Battery Disposal and RecyclingElevators LIFT/ELEVATION ProductsReaching and Bending Motor Vehicle TransportPositioning Belts Getting Onto and OFF of Your PMVElectromagnetic and Radio Frequency Interference EMI/RFI Prescription DRUGS/PHYSICAL LimitationsALCOHOL/SMOKING Tiller Console I . Y O U R P MTo Move Backward use either of the following To Move Forward use either of the followingStatus LED Motor/Transaxle Assembly Not Shown Charging Your Batteries Reading Your Battery VoltageB a T T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N G Batteries and ChargingWhat if my PMV’s batteries won’t charge? Follow these easy steps to charge your batteries safelyHow does the charger work? How often must I charge the batteries? How can I ensure maximum battery life?Can I use a different charger? Why do my new batteries seem weak? How do I change a battery?What about public transportation? Getting Onto Your PMV PRE-RIDE Adjustments and ChecksP E R a T I O N Before Getting on Your PMVGetting OFF of Your PMV Power Down Timer FeatureSeatback Adjustment Tiller Angle AdjustmentSeat Rotation Adjustment FRONT-TO-BACK Seat AdjustmentChanging the seat height Armrest Angle AdjustmentSeat Height Adjustment System 2 Operation with power seat switch only Power Seat OptionalI . D I S a S S E M B L Y a N D a S S E M B L Y DisassemblyToggle Latch Release Frame Sections AssemblyDiagnostic Flash Codes I I . B a S I C TroubleshootingWhat if the main circuit breaker repeatedly trips? C a R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C E Both pneumatic and solid tires Wheel ReplacementIf your PMV is equipped with a solid tire insert Follow these easy steps for a quick and safe repairABS Plastic Shrouds Wiring HarnessesNylon Lock NUT Replacement Fuse ReplacementDisposal of Your PMV Light Bulb ReplacementStoring Your PMV A R R a N T Y Implied Warranties Warranty ExclusionsService Checks and Warranty Service Exclusions also include components with damage caused byP E N D I X I Specification S P E N D I X I Specification S T E S T E S T E S INFMANU2635
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