Pride Mobility INFMANU1743 Stairs and Escalators, Doors, Elevators, LIFT/ELEVATION Products

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I I . S A F E T Y


scooters are not designed to travel up or down stairs or escalators. Always use an elevator.

WARNING! Do not use your scooter to negotiate steps or escalators. You may cause injury to yourself and to others and damage your scooter.


νDetermine if the door opens toward or away from you.

νUse your hand to turn the knob or push the handle or push-bar.

νDrive your scooter gently and slowly forward to push the door open. Or drive your scooter gently and slowly backwards to pull the door open.


Modern elevators have a door edge safety mechanism that, when pushed, reopens the elevator door(s).

νIf you are in the doorway of an elevator when the door(s) begin to close, push on the rubber door edge or allow the rubber door edge to contact the scooter and the door will reopen.

νUse care that pocketbooks, packages, or scooter accessories do not become caught in elevator doors.


If you will be traveling with your scooter, you may find it necessary to use a lift/elevation product to aid in transpor- tation. Pride recommends that you closely review the instructions, specifications, and safety information set forth by the manufacturer of the lift/elevation product before using that product.


In addition to following the warnings below, be sure to comply with all other battery handling information. For more information about your scooter’s batteries, see VI. “ Batteries and Charging.”

WARNING! 32 AH scooter batteries weigh approximately 25 lbs. each. If you are unable to lift that much weight, be sure to get help. Lifting beyond your capacity can result in personal injury.

WARNING! Battery posts, terminals, and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds. Wash hands after handling.

WARNING! Always protect the batteries from freezing and never charge a frozen battery. Charging a frozen battery may result in personal injury and/or damage to the battery.


WARNING! If you anticipate being seated in a stationary position for an extended period of time, turn off the power. This will prevent unexpected motion from inadvertent throttle control lever contact. Failure to do so may result in personal injury.



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Contents Ultimate In Style & Performance F E T Y G U I D E L I N E S N T E N T S N T R O D U C T I O N Information ExchangeMy Authorized Pride Provider Is S a F E T Y GeneralModifications PRE-RIDE Safety Check Weight LimitationsIncline Information Maximum Recommended Incline for the 3-WHEEL Maxima Cornering Information Normal Driving PositionBraking Information Outdoor Driving SurfacesStationary Obstacles STEPS, CURBS, ETC Tire Inflation Stairs and Escalators DoorsElevators LIFT/ELEVATION ProductsMotor Vehicle Transport Getting Onto and OFF of Your ScooterPositioning Belts Reaching and Bending Prescription DRUGS/PHYSICAL LimitationsAlcohol Removable PartsEMI/RFI Frequently Asked Questions Faqs Where do radio waves come from?I . E M I / R F EMI/RFI WarningsWhat is the FDA doing about the problem? FDA has Also Requested or Recommended ThatWhat should I do if my scooter moves unexpectedly? Specification S Maxima DimensionsUsable Control Console Assembly O U R M a X I M aKey Switch Speed Adjustment DialBattery Condition Meter Light SwitchOnboard Battery Charger Electronic Controller AssemblyRear Section BatteriesMotor/Transaxle Assembly Main Circuit BreakerManual Freewheel Lever Anti-Tip WheelsReading Your Battery Voltage B a T T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N GCharging Your Batteries How does the charger work? What does the LED on the charger indicate?Can I use a different charger? How often must I charge the batteries?What type and size of battery should I use? Why do my new batteries seem weak?How can I get maximum range or distance per charge? How can I ensure maximum battery life? How should I store my Maxima and its batteries?What about public transportation? PRE-RIDE Adjustments and Checks I . O P E R a T I O NBefore Getting on Your Maxima Getting Onto Your MaximaWhether YOU are Driving Forward or in Reverse Getting OFF of Your MaximaTiller Angle Adjustment Seat Height AdjustmentI I . C O M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T S Seat RotationArmrest Width Adjustment Seatback AdjustmentSeat Actuator Disassembly AssemblyP T I O N a L a C C E S S O R I E S B a S I C Troubleshooting What if all the systems on my Maxima seem to be dead?What if the motor runs but my Maxima does not move? I . C a R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C E THREE-YEAR Limited Warranty THREE-YEAR Warranty ExceptionsONE-YEAR Limited Warranty Warranty ExclusionsMaxima