Back Upholstery - Nylon
Dual Liners
Width | 18" High | 20" High | 22" High | 24" High | 26" High |
16" W | 1050339 | 1050350 | 1050361 | 1050372 | 1050383 |
17" W | 1050340 | 1050351 | 1050362 | 1050373 | 1050384 |
18" W | 1050341 | 1050352 | 1050363 | 1050374 | 1050385 |
19" W | 1050342 | 1050353 | 1050364 | 1050375 | 1050386 |
20" W | 1050343 | 1050354 | 1050365 | 1050376 | 1050387 |
21" W | 1050344 | 1050355 | 1050366 | 1050377 | 1050388 |
22" W | 1050345 | 1050356 | 1050367 | 1050378 | 1050389 |
23" W | 1050346 | 1050357 | 1050368 | 1050379 | 1050390 |
24" W | 1050347 | 1050358 | 1050369 | 1050380 | 1050391 |
NOTE: Dual liner back upholstery is used with chairs that have a seat deeper than 17" or back wider than 18". |
| Hardware | |||
| Back Upholstery Hardware |
| 1027059 |
| |||
| Consists of: |
| 10 each |
| Screw with Washer (10 x 7/8") |
Form No.
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