Congratulations !
As the owner of a new hearing system, you may once again enjoy the sounds of your environment, and conversation with your family and friends.
These instructions as well as guidance from your hearing instrument specialist will help you understand how your new hearing system works. In this guide, you’ll find instructions on insertion, removal and use of your ARTIS TM hearing sys- tem. There are also tips and information on proper handling, cleaning, care and changing of the batteries. In addition,
a troubleshooting section is offered for your reference.
Your hearing improvement with a hearing system depends on the fit of the hearing instruments, the type and degree of hearing loss, and proper diagnostic testing. Of course, a hearing system cannot restore normal hearing, and not everyone will benefit equally.
More than 80 percent of individuals with a hearing loss have a hearing loss in both ears. Studies show that even when a hearing loss is worse in one ear, most people with a hearing loss in both ears will benefit from wearing two hearing instruments.
Remember, a hearing system consists of