Porter-Cable HP4648 manual ∑ôT ∞«ØüJ

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Image 71
Contents SalonStraight Ion Page Page Page HP4648 General description IntroductionEnglish Drying your hair Styling your hairWashing your hair Straightening your hair English Storage CleaningGuarantee & service Reducing frizz and static electricityProblem TroubleshootingDescription générale FrançaisFrançais 2è étape sécher vos cheveux Mise en forme1er étape laver vos cheveux 3è étape lisser vos cheveux Réduire lélectricité statique Rangement Garantie et service DépannageNettoyage Problème Penting PendahuluanDeskripsi Am Bahasa Melayu Langkah 2 mengering rambut anda Menggaya rambut andaLangkah 1 mencuci rambur anda Langkah 3 meluruskan rambut anda Bahasa Melayu Jaminan & perkhidmatan Mengurangkan keriting halus dan elektrik statikPembersihan PenstoranMasalah Penyelesaian masalahKeterangan umum Bahasa IndonesiaBahasa Indonesia Langkah 2 mengeringkan rambut Anda Menata rambut AndaLangkah 1 mencuci rambut Anda Pada suhu tinggi Memanaskan atau setelah panas Jaminan & Servis Mengurangi rambut rusak dan listrik statisMembersihkan MenyimpanAlat sama sekali tidak bekerja Menyelesaikan masalah∑u Ω Gi≠i thiõu£ tÖ tng quÄt Ting VIT ∑≠c 3 dui thâng tc TÜo kiôu tc∑≠c 1 g´i Ûçu ∑≠c 2 såy tcÙô cho mÄy nng lìn. Nhiõt Û´ cÅi Ûãt mãc Û†nh lÅ 100cC CÄch võ sinh mÄy GiÖm thiôu tùnh trÜng xoÑn c∏ng vÅ tûnh Ûiõn Ø tcSº cß CÄch bÖo quÖnBÖo hÅnh & d†ch v∂ CÄch khác ph∂c sº cß D E F G H I J K L Page 160cC Page Appliances and Personal Care BV Page Page Page Page Page Page Page D E F G H I J K K Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page ∏µûŸG ∞«¶æàdG ºSQ ∂àÑZQ ÖùM 70 á«HôdG ∑ôT ∞«ØüJ 72 á«HôdG Áeó≤ŸG 74 vñUã VñUã 76 vñUã ÆbOMë g‹Ä ÊU¶UÙuî ÈËñ X8«uMJ 78 vñUã VKë ÕdÅ Salon Straight ION ÁbMMë ·U4222 002

HP4648 specifications

The Porter-Cable HP4648 is a powerful and versatile air compressor that sets the standard for performance in the compact compressor market. This machine is specifically designed for a variety of tasks, making it ideal for both professional contractors and DIY enthusiasts. With its robust build and advanced technologies, the HP4648 delivers reliable performance required for various applications like inflation, stapling, nailing, and more.

One of the main features of the HP4648 is its powerful 4.0-gallon tank, which provides ample air storage for extended use without interruption. This large tank capacity allows users to tackle bigger projects without worrying about the compressor constantly cycling on and off. The maximum pressure of 135 PSI ensures that the compressor can handle a wide range of pneumatic tools, making it a versatile choice for different tasks.

A notable technology in the HP4648 is its oil-free pump. This innovative feature eliminates the need for oil changes and helps reduce maintenance efforts, making it user-friendly and convenient. The oil-free design also means that the air produced is clean, ensuring that it is suitable for applications requiring air purity, such as painting or spraying.

The compressor is equipped with a 2.0 SCFM at 90 PSI output, giving it the capability to quickly refill the tank, which enhances overall productivity. This output level is more than adequate for driving smaller pneumatic tools such as brad nailers, air hammers, and small spray guns.

Porter-Cable also incorporated an easily accessible control panel on the HP4648, featuring a pressure regulator and quick-connect couplers. Users can easily adjust the pressure settings according to their specific needs, and the quick-connect features allow for fast and hassle-free connections to various tools.

In terms of mobility, the HP4648 is designed with a lightweight yet sturdy construction, and it often includes integrated handles and rubber tires that facilitate easy transportation across job sites or within the workshop.

Overall, the Porter-Cable HP4648 is characterized by its efficiency, reliability, and user-friendly design. With its combination of a capacity tank, oil-free technology, and easy controls, it is a strong contender for anyone looking to invest in a quality air compressor that can meet a range of pneumatic demands. Whether for professional or personal projects, the HP4648 stands to deliver superior performance and satisfaction.